

英国report代写范文-Three-dimensional Printing

2017-07-17 17:14:37 | 日記
本篇英国report代写范文-Three-dimensional Printing 讲了3D打印是一种添加剂制造技术,逐层生产物品,完全适用于塑料,金属,陶瓷,玻璃,纸张,甚至活细胞等各种材料。当与其他各种高科技结合使用时,可以以多种材料和颜色打印单个物体,单个打印作业甚至可以生成互连的运动部件。本篇英国report代写由51due英国代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

3D printing is a kind of additive manufacturing technology, which produces objects layer-by-layer and totally applies to all various materials, including plastic, metal, ceramics, glass, paper, and even living cells. When combined with other kinds of high technology, a single object can be printed in multiple materials and colors, and a single print job can even produce interconnected moving parts (such as hinges, chain links, or mesh). It certainly will provide consistent quality, innovation, high performance and timely delivery for consumers of different industry fields, with superior functionality taken on high value (Robert & Scott, 2009).
The influencing drivers of 3D printing’s potential development include the mature environment and market acceptance, 3D printing machine software applications and useful equipment such as 3D printers. According to the McKinsey Global Institute (2013), 3D printing could generate economic impact of $230 billion to $550 billion per year by 2025 in the applications we have sized. And the largest source of potential impact among sized applications would be from consumer uses, followed by direct manufacturing and the use of 3D printing to create tools and molds.
I’ve held much interest for fashion and jewelry all the way and thus care extraordinarily about the newly entered capable technology. And 3D printing Technology definitely has brought a series of breakthrough to the jewelry industry with its convenient manufacture process from designing to building to assembling.
The techniques jewelry industry generally adopt include manual processing craft such as filaments craft and machine processing craft such as dewax casting technique, stamping technique and machine chain processing technique, The techniques have some inherent inconvenience while 3D printing is able to make jewelry that are difficult or impossible to produce with traditional techniques, including jewelry with complex internal structures that add strength, reduce weight, or increase functionality and shorten the traditional production process. So 3D printing has extraordinarily powerful reason to ride on the crest of success within the jewelry industry.
1.3.1 Product
The elements for 3D Printing’s application in jewelry products are shown by the table below:
designFill the gap of complex lines and hollow designs that cannot be accomplished by normal artisans
modelCreate a three-dimensional virtual model with accurate dimension, structure and layout, designers can accurately set the ratio of jewelry and metal brackets and design every aspect of the jewelry
procedureSet up the computer process in all the cast and wax models and whatever complicated shape can be printed out by the computer settings
serviceFairly customized service that ordinary people have an opportunity to design and create their own personal jewelry format
priceCompared to those expensive jewelry customization, 3D printing jewelry is undoubtedly that everyone can afford
precisionBy a mechanical operation with definitely high precision
Table 1: characteristics of an ideal 3D printed jewelry product
1.3.2 Target Market and Application
The conditions of 3D Printing’s application in jewelry segment markets are shown by the table:
Gold and other precious metals3D printing for metals is categorized as direct printing and indirect printing, and SLM(selective laser melting) technology of direct printing is used widely in gold metal
GemstonesThe colored gemstones or organic stones made out of 3D print will still be identified as artificial gems which fails to compete with scarce natural gems in the value or price
Silver or imitation jewelry3D printing is widely used in silverware which replaces the two links of carved wax and guided mold in the production chain, without considering the integrally formed or sub-items formed guided models well as a variety of tension, stress problems.
Plastic materialIn terms of printing plastic jewelry, the surface finish, product quality, unity of color and other issues of 3D printing have been controversial, some people believe that 3D printing will not compete with the finished product through traditional manufacturing methods and materials.
diamondA kind of precious materials used widely for marriage time, so attention shall be paid to saving material supplies and 3D printing technology is good at this point
Table 2: 3D printing technology’s application for jewelry business market
There are two categories of 3D printing technology for the jewelry industry. The first is indirect printing which generally uses 3D printed wax or resin material for casting. High-precision 3D printer prints the plaster mold and the molten metal is poured into the mold to be solidified, and finally the plaster is cracked and removed, which greatly enriches jewelry design and improves the efficiency of jewelry manufacturing. Another is direct printing, comprises of SLM selective laser melting technology and SLS selective laser sintering technology (Laplume, 2016).
Due to the high price of jewelry industry, 3D printed jewelry manufacturer shall have an access to market distribution channel, both online and offline. Now many 3D printed jewelry manufacturer such as Orori closed the stores and transferred to the e-commerce business model, focusing offering their customers customized 3D printing jewelry service on online. 3D printing technology in the jewelry industry will give rise to digital manufacturing business platform and business model. Customization and standardization of mass production will become the norm of our lives rather than conflict with each other.
The brand awareness of jewelry industry is fairly low, but jewelry industry is an industry with high arts and culture characteristics (Dauriz, Remy, & Tochtermann, 2014). With the jewelry consumers today increasingly becoming mature, the jewelry corporate must have a scientific concept of brand management, use all variety of brand communication tools to achieve brand maintenance, and make as great as possible impact on consumers' purchasing decisions.
100% micron level precision dewax model 3D printing mass production
With CDLM(Continuous Digital Light Manufacturing)patented technology, 3D printers manage to print the master mold for casting fast within several minutes, rather than several hours generally
Professional rapid prototyping equipment and new castable resin formulations with DWS self-developed resin supplies can create good flexibility and maintain the shape of the molding, which will make the consumers easily check the details of 3D printed parts and detect any defects
Online jewelry design custom system combining CAD software with 3D printers, which allows consumers to customize their designs, and dispatches the products within several days
Laser sintering technology sufficiently melting metal powder
In the aspect of software technology, rendering software tools specifically for 3D printing jewelry design will be developed
In the aspect of plastic jewelry 3D printing, new surface treatment services will be introduced, which will be able to bring extraordinary look and feel for 3D printed wearable items, solving surface finish, product quality, single color and other controversial problems of 3D printed jewelry
In the aspect of customization technologies, “human body” will be input as an environmental constraint condition when 3D printing generates jewelry so that each piece of jewelry in the "growing" process will remember the shape of fingers, arms, or neck to achieve the perfect match. The net effect is that jewelry will “grow out ” around the human body naturally
With more and more mature generative designs, more aesthetically pleasing 3D printed jewelry design may not come from artificial jewelry design, but may be automatically generated from a computer algorithm design
In future 3D printing jewelry business, to research and innovate the more efficient 3D Printing technologies and generate products more applicable for mature future 3D Printed jewelry market.
Core technologycharacterizationTechnology availabilityMarket planned to use the technology
T1Project technology, DLP/SLA technology2012M1, M3
T2CDLM patented technology2016M1, M2
T3Laser sintering technology, SLM/SLS technology, which do not require any supporting structure and are capable of producing very complex parts 2017M1, M3
T4Controlling system2018M4, M5
T53D Printing software technology2016M2, M3, M4
Target marketcharacterizationTime to enterServing product
M13D printing mass production2015P1, P2
M2Rapid 3D printing2014P3, P2
M3Metal jewelry 3D printing2017P1, P4
M4Customization 3D printing jewelry2014P3, P6
M5Plastic jewelry 3D printing2016P5
Table 3: core technology development and roadmap plan
Table 4: forecasted market to enter in strategic roadmap plan
ProductcharacterizationProduct time to launchProduct time to matureTechnology required
P1100% micron level precision
dewax model 20152018T1,T3
P2print the master mold for casting with good flexibility and shape fast within several minutes, which will make the consumers easily check the details of 3D printed parts and detect any defects20142018T2
P3Online jewelry design custom system combining CAD software with 3D printers, which allows consumers to customize their designs20152019T5
P4rendering software tools20162020T5
P5new surface treatment services, which will bring extraordinary look and feel for 3D printed wearable items, solving surface finish, product quality, single color and other controversial problems20192022T4
P6”human body” will be input as an environmental constraint factor so that each piece of jewelry in the growing process will remember the shape of fingers, arms, or neck to achieve the perfect match. 20192024T4
Table 5: product development and roadmap plan
Figure 1: 3D Printing Technology Roadmap for Application in Jewelry Industry
The above roadmap shows the alignment of value creation opportunity, competencies needed, developed and developing technology, future business and product for 3D Printing technology’s application in jewelry industry.
Laplume A. O. (2016). Global value chains from a 3D printing perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(5), 595-609.
McKinsey & Company. (2013). Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business and the global economy. New York :McKinsey Global Institute.
McKinsey & Company. (2014). A multifaceted future: The jewelry industry in 2020. New York : Dauriz, L., Remy N., & Tochtermann, T.
Robert, G. C., & Scott, J. E. (2009). Product Innovation and Technology Strategy. Washington, DC: Product Development Institute Inc.


