

Essay代写:A Discussion of Coal Miners of West Virginia

2018-03-12 16:17:34 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- A Discussion of Coal Miners of West Virginia,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了西弗吉尼亚州的煤矿工人。工人阶级可能会承担一些地球上最艰苦的工作,并且他们的工作环境也非常糟糕。在西维吉尼亚州,有着大量的采矿活动。在采矿活动中,除了矿洞内的有毒气体和常见的事故外,井下环境中还充满了水、噪音和灰尘,这些也对工人的健康造成了巨大的损害。通常在煤矿井下,煤矿工人甚至都听不到对方说话,当这些人从地下煤矿出来时,他们全身都被染黑了。

Working class may be taking some of the most hard jobs on the earth. Their poor working and living environment is also receiving attention from Bruce Hornsby and Ann Pancake, a singer and writer of Virginia. In the song “Look Out Any Window” by Bruce Hornsby and Pancake’s Strange As This Weather Has Been, it depicts the emotions and life of a group of workers of different trades working at a in West Virginia. In this article, it is to have a discussion of imposition and domination over workers and coal miners of West Virginia with a reference to the theory of post colonialism and Marxist Theory.

In this song, there is a strong expression of hard life of workers by exploring a lot of different life by looking out some different windows. They see “a man working in a field”, and “man working on a boat pulling lines from the water just trying to stay afloat, ohh” etc (Hornsby, 2003). For those workers in Virginia, those life are something that have never been easy. According to Marxism proposed by Marx, individual’s lives are decided by their economic situation and circumstances(“Marxist Thought and Theory”).The hard life on the sea is forming a sharp contrast with the blue sky above his head and plenty of fresh breath. Also, the dark life and underground working environment of coal miners of Virginia is also alarming. In Ann Pancake’s novel, it reflects a large number of mining in West Virginia, its consequence of leading to the destruction of the environment and hard life of coal miners. In addition to common fatal accidents caused by the release of gas and collision, there is the big damage to the health of workers from the underground environment full of moisture, noise and dust. Usually in the underground, coal miners can not even hear each other to speak, and when those people come out from the underground coal mine, they are black. In the period of colonialism, the colonial state was controlled by the imperialist sovereign in all aspects of the political, economic, social, and cultural aspect. But in the new period, post colonialism as a kind of colonialism in the new era still prevailing, making some people get still unable to have autonomy in terms of political, economic and cultural aspects before the powerful side. Just as the imposition of the dominant class over working people in the Appalachian coal region is all part of colonization(“Literary Theory #1: Post colonialism”).Thus, it is no wonder that workers live a bitter life.

More importantly, this song also expressed a acceptance of their life and lack of awareness of coal miners to fight against domination of coal miners in Virginia. According to the Marxist critic, it is rare for the working class to always recognize the system of domination in which they have been suppressed(“Marxist Thought and Theory”). They just live their life as they are supposed to live in such manner and become submissive before it. This can be seen from the appearance of repeated lines---“Close their eyes”. Although there is hard work of farmers who is working in a field, seamen who bent so hard to fish, etc, the song ended with “Close their eyes” with a rather submissive tone. This kinds of powerlessness of life determined by the economic situation is also explored in the novel Strange As This Weather Has Been. However, the working class can not afford to stop them facing pressure and rule of the ruling class(Pancake, 2007).The economic situation of coal miners in Virginia is controlled by the owners of coal mine. This lack of freedom and feature of domination of capitalists determines their powerlessness in the choice of their life and improvement of working environment. In addition, there is a reason behind such phenomenon. It is about the art of ruling the dominated class. The ruling class is good at using its power to make the unfair system seem to be natural logical(“Marxist Thought and Theory”). Just as the lines of Look Out Any Window expressed “The rules so secretly” and “Far away, too many leaders”(Hornsby, 2003). This submissiveness of coal miners reinforces the system of post colonialism further.

To sum up, poor situation of workers and coal miner reveals that there is still post colonialism existed widely in the America in the form of imposition from brutal and ruthless capitalists.



