

Paper代写:The Gwangju Uprising Reflected in the Movie A Taxi Driver

2019-02-22 17:30:01 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The Gwangju Uprising Reflected in the Movie A Taxi Driver讨论了电影《逆权司机》中的光州起义。电影《逆权司机》改编自德国ARD记者Jurgen Hinzpeter的真实故事,他前往光州,拍摄了政府利用军队对人民进行殴打、杀害的罪行。在电影中,彼得潜入光州的帮助下金和大规模的示威活动进行了调查。这部电影最准确的描述了Hinzpeter所做的事情,这些事情也让他成为了韩国的英雄。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the 1980s, the wave of democratization reached Asia and covered China, Japan, and South Korea. The Gwangju Uprising was the climax in the history of South Korean democracy movements. This paper analyzes its historical context reflected in the movie A Taxi Driver (Jang Hoon, 2017) and provides both domestic and international points of view through a series of mass media research.

Historical Background and Achievement of the Gwangju Uprising

The Gwangju Uprising started in May 1980, when students from all over South Korea marched and protested for the abolition of Martial Law and the promotion of democracy. A Taxi Driver did a great job on representing the tense atmosphere in the part before the charters went to Gwangju. At the beginning, Kim Man-seob was having a normal day as a taxi driver in Seoul but what he encountered was somehow different. Students’ protests caused a traffic gym and when Kim drove back he saw policemen chasing the students and threw smoke bombs at them. He also heard gun shot and saw banners against the Martial Law (00:04:18). The movie also showed some political background in flexible ways. The radio reported the government’s order of the prohibition of political activities of artists, the suspension of classes of college students, and banning of demonstrations or strikes (00:11:21). In addition, from the conversation among Peter and his coworkers/friends, we learned that Kim Dae-jung was arrested, Kim Young-sam was under house arrest at the time. When Kim and Peter arrived Gwangju, they received the most welcome. It showed the desire of the students to spread the news to the world and seek for help and support.

What we did not see from the movie is, in the next few days, thousand of soldiers entered the city driving tanks. Despite the people blocking the road, the tanks still ran over their bodies unscrupulously and made it into the city. At the same time, the soldiers opened fire to the people for many times and killed dozens of people. Eventually, the troops dismissed the crowd and occupied the government office building again, and brutally suppressed this democratic movement. The official body count was over 500, and some human rights groups argued the death roll was over 2,000 (Goodman & Gonzalez, 2005).

After the horrible massacre, the South Korean people were not deterred. Instead, they persevered in continuing their struggle for years. In June 1987, millions of people embarked on the streets of Seoul and demanded democracy. The military was no longer able to suppress the movement (Flower, 1999). Under the enormous pressure, the government were forced to accept the plan of constitutional reform. South Korea could be democratized and ranked among the modern civilized nations, the Gwangju Uprising plays a significant role as the cornerstone.

Mass Media Responses

The Gwangju Uprising attracted wide attention in the world. The Kung Sheung Daily News (Hong Kong) reported on May 22nd 1980 that the anti Martial Law demonstrations in Gwangju, a southwestern city in South Korea, were escalated into riots, and at least 50 people were killed. The Reuters reported that 1,500 people parachute troop was sent from the capital to suppress the uprising in Gwangju. On the 21th, Agence France-Presse reported that dozens of people were shot or wounded by the government military and the whole city of Gwangju fell into anarchy (KSDN, 1980). At the same time, the New York Times carried out 47 news reports on this matter from May 18th to June 1st (NYT, 1980).

However, different parties in South Korea tried to strictly block the outflow of truth at the time. Some local journalists sneaked out to the printing office of their newspaper and tried to publish the facts to the public. But the manager of the newspaper beat them up and smashed the machines. Meanwhile, fake death roll was spreading through TV news and the press was telling a completely opposite story, which claimed the students as mobs (01:07:15 - 01:09:06). The citizens out of Gwangju have absolutely no idea what was happening and only discussing it as lunchtime gossip (01:31:07).

Today, the Gwangju Uprising is accepted and memorialized by the South Korea government, who sponsored many cemeteries to commemorate the victims (Yea, 2002). All the memorial sites in the country are reminding people of the contribution and efforts people took in promoting the process of democratization in South Korea. However, there are some right-wing writers argue that the Gwangju Uprising is inevitable and wrote this points of view in textbooks. The Ministry of Education had eventually ordered it to be rewritten (Kingston, 2016).

The Significance and Influence of the Movie

This movie adapted from the true story of German ARD reporter Jürgen Hinzpeter went to Gwangju and filmed the government’s crime of using troops against people, as well as beating and killing them. In real life, Hinzpeter went to the scene several times and was cut off from the outside. In great danger, he insisted on filming the bloodbath directed by the government and managed to carry it out and spread it (Schwering, 2016). In the movie, Peter dived into Gwangju with the help of Kim and conducted a investigation on the large-scale demonstrations. The movie is mostly accurate to describe what Hinzpeter did, and for what he did, he is still a hero in South Korea.

After the broadcast, the movie has received countless responses. According to statistics, the movie’s first day box office reached 4.5 million USD with a total of 698,000 viewers, which is the most audience in the Korean film history (Maala, 2017). It attracts lots of attention out of Korea as well. Many Hong Kong audiences claimed that they were deeply touched by this story and were reminded of the situation in HK. Apple Daily published an editorial comparing the history involved in the movie with the Umbrella Movement (Lu, 2017). This is not a story of South Korea; it is a story of mankind. The movie motivates an impulse and reflection to recognize and learn this history and provides a desire to establish an insight of how tyranny stopped and how democratization occurred with sacrifice.

Although the film was not released in Mainland China, it triggered a warm concern and discussion online. Since the movie page was established on the main file, critic site Douban in August, over 30,000 netizens viewed it and the average of the movie is as high as 9.1 out of 10. Many comments complimented the courage of South Korea to face their history. Mainland China has experienced similar democratic movement in 1989, the Tiananmen Square Massacre, which is still strictly forbidding to mention in China. Some netizens spoke of it on the movie page but most of them got deleted very soon. At around 9:10 on October 3, the whole movie page was removed from Douban (Yu, 2017).

A taxi driver chose an unused and unique 'outsider' perspective, which is also the closest to the audience. It drags the audience into the 1980s through the non-sensational, straightforwardrd and calm portrayal. It is undoubtedly more objective to show the Gwangju Uprising through the perspective of an outsider. Kim did not understand politics, just like most of us, who are struggling in the livelihood of ourselves. However, through his changes, we also gained an indirect chance to experience history as we gradually approaching the truth.


A Taxi Driver did an excellent job to represent the historical context of the Gwangju Uprising, and it is absolutely a great movie to watch. Political revolution takes blood but the use of violence and military force by the government on unarmed people is totally unacceptable. Many countries have paid very expensive prices on the path of pursuing democracy but some are not fortunate enough to succeed. it is almost natural for me to associate the Gwangju Uprising to the Tiananmen Square Massacre. However, China remains a dictatorship under the communist regimes and the Chinese Communist Party has been cracking down free expression all over the nation. In the end of the movie, it shows the modernized city of Seoul in 2003. The prosperity and peace now in South Korea comes from continuous fighting and the awareness and determination of the people and the government. There is a famous quote in the Old Book of Tang says that history reflects thriving and depression (以史为鉴,可以知兴替), which implies how the world is shaped by history. More importantly, history offers guidance for the future.

Limitation and Prospect

Due to language barriers, this paper does not show enough supportive information or comments on German or Korean media, which I believe would really contribute to the topic.

For my suture research, I would love to do some comparative study on the democracy movements in China and South Korea.


A Taxi Driver. YouTube Movies.

Published on Nov 6, 2017.

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