


2020-07-08 14:32:49 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Cuban,文章讲述古巴的大多数城市都有美国和西班牙的殖民历史痕迹,例如La Habana Vieja和Santiago de Cuba,它们被认为是古巴最著名的城市。如今,这两个城市已经通过居民的日常作风以一些值得注意的方式进行了改造。一个新的“发明家”概念应运而生。专家认为,“发明家”是技术和社会技能的结合,使古巴公民能够应对不利的情况。古巴人认为住房是重要的空间。因此,情况是否良好与其自身的福利有关。人类学家已经证明,住房经常受到政治和社会变化的影响,住房形式可以理解为社会秩序或文化规范的表现,因此,当社会和政治环境发生变化时,物质也会发生变化。 20世纪发生的几处变化证明了这一点。随着医疗和教育条件的变化,人们将改变他们的住房位置。

Most of the cities in Cuba have obvious traces of colonial history by America and Spain, like La Habana Vieja and Santiago de Cuba, they are regarded as the most famous cities in Cuba. Nowadays, these two cities have been transformed in some noteworthy ways by the daily practices of residents. A new concept of “inventar” has come into being. Specialists thought that “inventar” is a integration of technical and social skills which enables Cuban citizens to cope with adverse circumstances. Housing is considered to be an important space by Cubans. Thus, whether the circumstances are good or not is relevant to their own welfare. Anthropologists have proved that housing is frequently effected by political and social changes, housing forms can be understood as mani festations of social orders or cultural norms, therefore when social and political circumstances change, materials will change. Several changes happened in the 20th century have proved this point. Along with the change of medical and educational condition, people will change their housing location.
To improve their living condition, Cubans often like to build a barbacoa. A barbacoa is a platform constructed in the interior of an existing space, more often in the interior of Colonial buildings in the old city center and other buildings with similar spatial typology. A barbacoa can expand the living space, usually made by wood blocks. A structure of barbacoa filled in a house is rare in Havana, but because of the hilly topography Santiago, this structure is well-famous in the twentieth century.
However, different citizens in Havana and Santiago have different characteristics in building their houses. People in Havana tends to pay close attention to build a barbacoa. In their small home, the general disposition for all public activities (cooking, eating, and living) is to be in the entry/main level. The more private activities of sleeping and retreat from the public world are in the upper level pro vided by a barbacoa. Services, highly dependent on infrastructure (such as water, waste, and gas), usually remain in the main level. In Santiago, people usually don’t build a barbacoa in the interior of an existing space. They prefer to build open balcony. Of course, they also have commons, like always raise money to build their house much better.
At present, the pressures of housing demand, coupled with the relative absence of construction materials, inventar may be a new method to solve some problems. In the process of inventar in housing renovation, new capacity are needed much more than skills like physical and technical capacity to build. That is to say, inventar does not only mean to build a new house, it also means to build a house by some new and environmental ways, considering more about resources and creative capacities. Thus, this new concept may will effectively change the urban environment in Cuba’s cities by using green materials.
Moreover, because of the the re-opening of the US Embassy (this past August, 2015) in Havana, some changes will happen in the practice of inventar. This change is an opportunity to Cuba’s economy, and will effect people’s housing condition as hundreds and thousands American tourists will flood into Cuba to travel. Also, America will increase the import of Cuban agriculture products, so some may tend to live in rural area and open a farm. Thus, the requirements for inventar can become more complex.


