

北美作业代写:The mechanical aesthetics of steampunk

2018-05-26 16:56:20 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The mechanical aesthetics of steampunk,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了蒸汽朋克中的机械美学。蒸汽朋克作为20世纪末出现的一种非主流的边缘文化,从最初的文学作品到现在的影视作品,蒸汽朋克正逐渐被我们所认知和熟悉。在发展中,机械朋克中的“朋克”没有像朋克文化本身那样完全打破,而是通过拼凑、解构、重组等后现代主义美学的表现手法,继承和发扬了机械美学所代表的现代主义传统审美,是机械美学在当今这个被网络虚拟充斥、被后现代主义美学所占据的21世纪最后一片阵地。通过与后现代主义拼凑美学的结合,蒸汽朋克也将会把机械美学带入新的发展阶段。

The concept of mechanical aesthetics originated from the "architectural telecommunication group" of the British school of architectural design in the 1950s. The first generation of mechanical aesthetics of modernism tended to emphasize logic, process, machinery, technology and structure. Late modernism aesthetic of the second generation of mechanical focuses on forms of motility, emphasizes the extrasensory concept, compared with the first generation of mechanical aesthetics is lighter, more flexible, style tend to be "outside the skeleton effect", or like insects skeletal and outside circulation system, clinging to the content of the retainer or object space structure become dispensable, what matters is that mechanical components add renewable indefinitely, embodies the aesthetic significance is to decorate, the purpose is to enhance the mechanical sensibility, here, Architectural design school building telecom group "big city mechanical and image has become the main building in the style of high-tech aesthetic basis, and belong to high-tech architecture design idea, the technology of expressionism.

The industrial revolution is a symbol of human being's entering into modern civilization. But times have created a new belief in machines. The characteristics of the age of instrumental rationality are the alienation of tools and the loss of human subjectivity and unity. The era of machine domination inevitably led to the emergence of new spiritual ICONS and fashion ICONS. It is in this kind of change that mechanical aesthetics has been proved.

Mechanical aesthetics is the aesthetic appeal of the industrial age. Its psychological foundation is that all kinds of machinery itself contains the aesthetic feeling, is not only bring the beauty of the function of the utilitarian, more major is a form of unprecedented beauty, with classical beauty different its interest. It believes that the machinery itself has a simple and undecorated beauty in terms of function, technical logic, construction and appearance. This is in line with the human nature of logic and rationality, and with the psychological tendency of novelty and variation. During the late 19th century in the vast complex of the steam engine, the locomotive and giant ships to scale, efficiency, noise, unprecedented peculiar shape to stimulate the people, and inspire imagination.

Steampunk is a portmanteau of steam and punk. Steampunk is generally considered the word is derived from the science fiction writer William Gibson ? novel published in 1991, "the difference engine". Because of its description in the novel by Victorian historical background, so the steampunk style elements, generally defined as containing, classical european-style buildings, roads, full of science fiction color restoring ancient ways of transportation, such as the flying boat flying chess, airship, have special energy car, train, steam ships and submarines like the appearance of cold, which represented by flying empty boat again; Giant propellers, gears, pistons, bearings, large - scale mobile robots have become popular. In garment accessories, based on the classic British gentleman style, coat, hat, walking stick and the pocket watch, while keeping the traditional British gentleman 4 times at the same time, and added more mechanical element accessories and decoration style.

Steampunk concept originated in the literary works of science fiction, with the development of the era, steampunk is no longer stay on the books, in the 21st century, with the development of computer technology, the game became a steampunk development and a fertile soil, it is more intuitive, more detailed depicts the steampunk to express meaning, the most representative of the game, is the final fantasy series. In this series of games, steam machinery has a very comprehensive detailed performance. In the film, by the famous Alan Moore's comic "amazing" gentleman film adaptation of the same name, is a modern masterpiece of steampunk films, led by veteran actor Sean ? connery, has won the high box office. With the popularity and development of steampunk, more and more art forms and steampunk styles are blended with each other. This also makes steampunk style works cover a wider range of works, more and more diverse forms.

Some familiar steampunk literature period much as the Victorian era, the main background in those novels, fiction out a due to the development of science and technology advanced and backward coexist the polarization of society, people in the car, some people in the carriage, the robot someone in combat, also some people in the use of magic, forming a utopian society for both magic and science.

In these works of art, steampunk has been interpreted as a technology-based, yet vociferous, controlling technology, perhaps defined in modern terms as "diablo technology". From the spiritual level of steampunk atmosphere is positive, this to the general punk represented by the decadent and antisocial is different, so the mechanical punk from one level is also a kind of the existence of "the unity of opposites".

Steampunk style of material element in modern clothing is usually the application directly to the gear, piston, bearing, pressure valve, screw, etc in the form of a tattoo case or embroidery printed or embedded in the clothing surface. Or through some of the ornaments that have delicate mechanical structure and dress collocation compose numerous and complicated extremely have order aesthetic feeling device. Steampunk this emerging art stresses in steam power style of the industrial age, a large number of repeated some modelling of primitive simplicity but complicated structure, function of classical form but modern even beyond the machinery of modern elements. Huge propeller, appear antique gear and complex bearing, the piston parts such as visible of heavy and complicated, full of aesthetic pleasure, metal and all memory of the glory of the Victorian era.

Jean Paul Gaultier, as the representative of steampunk style in the advanced customization fashion masters, was still strong in the spring and summer of 2010, and its strong steampunk style was inspiring. From well-made mechanical arm and mechanical hip to the exquisite moving mechanical hair, or the yarn woven fabrics and lace fabrics, and metal beauty makeup look, all show the steampunk unique mechanical aesthetics of modern fashion design.

Through analysis it is not hard to see steampunk style in all areas of development not only because of its own creativity, but also because of its inherent aesthetic thoughts, the height of the worship of mechanical performance of modern society. Steam works present various complex machine is not only the people to worship the continuation of traditional mechanical aesthetics, and through the imagination and some new technology of material to join today, the machinery itself to function, the structure of the original technical logic to deconstruction, splicing and restructuring, are in mechanical aesthetics of this land produces new fruit. So the aesthetic view of steampunk is that it goes back and forth.

As a form of artistic expression, steampunk carries the nostalgia of modern people for industrial revolution, the worship of machinery and the pursuit of logical rationality in people's heart. Machinery in the punk "punk" is not completely break like punk culture itself, but rather through together, deconstruction, and restructuring post-modern aesthetic expression, inherit and carry forward the mechanical aesthetics represented by the traditional aesthetic modernity, virtual network is the machinery in today's aesthetics was filled with, dominated by post-modernism aesthetics in the 21st century the last piece of position. By combining with post-modernist aesthetics, steampunk will also bring mechanical aesthetics into a new development stage.


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