

Assignment代写:Trans fats are banned in the United States

2019-04-22 17:25:12 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Trans fats are banned in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国禁止反式脂肪酸。反式脂肪酸在诞生之初,由于是从植物油转化而来的,被误认为有益于健康,所以非常受消费者的喜欢。然而医学研究发现,反式脂肪酸其实对人体健康有很大危害,如果摄入过多的反式脂肪酸,会增加人们罹患冠心病的风险。美国为了禁止反式脂肪酸,限制反式脂肪酸在每日1克以下,还要求食品标签上必须要标示反式脂肪含量。

The food and drug administration recently announced that the United States will ban artificial trans fats from foods for three years. The news has attracted worldwide attention. So what is "trans fat"? Why ban it?

The place to start is in organic chemistry. Fat in human adipose tissue is usually made up of glycerol combined with fatty acids. Glycerol has three hydroxyl groups, so most of it is bound to three fatty acids, hence the name triglycerides. Plain check-up, detect triglyceride is tall not tall, see adipose content to exceed namely do not exceed bid.

These fatty acids are the older of the carbon chains and are classified as either saturated or unsaturated. Saturated fatty acids are carbon atoms that do not lack hydrogen, do not have a double bond, such as lard, butter, butter, etc. are solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fatty acids are divided into monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids due to whether the double bond is one or more. They are liquid at room temperature and most vegetable oils are.

In order to prevent the deterioration of vegetable fat, facilitate the preservation or improve the taste, hydrogenation processing method is adopted to process a variety of unsaturated vegetable oil from liquid to solid or semi-solid fat, which is known as trans fatty acid. Trans fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids produced in the hydrogenation modification of vegetable oils.

The double bond of an unsaturated fatty acid, in the usual "cis" form, means that the hydrogen to which one carbon atom is attached is on the same side as the hydrogen to which the other carbon atom is attached, so that the solid looks curved; And after the hydrogenation, one of the hydrogens goes to the opposite side, which is a geometric difference, called "trans," as if looking at itself in a mirror. But when you go from cis to trans, the chain straightens, the physical properties change, and you go from liquid to solid at room temperature. This has a huge impact on the food industry, because trans fats replace butter, butter, the price drops, good color and aroma, especially not bad, better than butter, butter; And at the time of the invention of trans fats, they were popular with food companies and consumers because they were derived from vegetable oils and mistaken for health benefits.

However, trans fats are very dangerous to human health. Medical studies have found that excessive intake of trans fatty acids increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Trans fatty acids can increase the viscosity and cohesion of human blood, which is more likely to lead to the formation of thrombosis. Trans fatty acids are difficult to be metabolized once they enter the body. Some studies have found that natural fats can be metabolized and excreted successfully after being absorbed by the body for about 7 days, while it takes 51 days for trans fatty acids to be decomposed and excreted.

In foreign countries, such substances as trans fatty acids have a proper name, called "anti-nutrients", this is because saturated fat can make blood "bad" cholesterol rise, make "good" cholesterol fall, and thus increase the incidence of coronary heart disease, mortality rise. In addition to the risk of cardiovascular disease, trans fats are not essential fatty acids. Saturated fatty acid although can make coronary heart disease increase, but the person still cannot be completely abstaining saturated fat, at present basically control the quantity of heat of all adipose in the 30% following that occupies total heat to add up to, when having heart cerebrovascular disease should control 27% below.

Where are the main sources of artificial trans fats? In fact, it can be said that in the food industry, wherever saturated fats are used, there may be trans fats. A casual look at the food aisle of a large supermarket reveals that trans fats are almost everywhere. On food labels, we see hydrogenated vegetable oils, ground margarine, shortening, margarine and so on. Some foods are specially labeled with vegetable oil. Most people seem to feel no ill-will when they see unfamiliar names such as hydrogenated vegetable oil or margarine, because they simply do not know what they are.

Trans fat "vest" too much, for ordinary consumers, it is a little too much to guard against. In addition to baked cookies, cakes, hamburgers, margarine, souffle, and Fried foods, microwave popcorn and even some instant noodles contain it.

In addition, another source of trans fatty acids is stir-fried vegetable oil, which also produces trans fatty acids after being heated at high temperature or for a long time. Moreover, the higher the content of mono-or polyunsaturated fatty acids in oils, such as soybean oil, the more likely they are to produce trans fatty acids. This is because the unsaturated fatty acids are "active" and easier to be oxidized. Therefore, when cooking at home, oil is generally burned into the heat can be, do not wait for smoke to put food. Fried food can also consider lard, palm oil, such as higher saturation of oil.

Artificial trans fats will be banned in the us, but are there any natural trans fats? Natural trans fats are also present, mainly in the ruminant stomachs of ruminants such as cattle and sheep. Of course, their milk and meat will also have, but the content is very small, only about 2% ~ 5%. And it has been found that isooleic acid, which is found only in natural trans fats, is beneficial to human health, unlike artificial trans fats, so natural trans fats are not banned. Is there natural trans fat in breast milk? There are some, ranging from 1 percent to 7 percent, depending on how much trans fat the mother eats.

Why is "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil" proposed? The fda originally said it would ban partially hydrogenated vegetable oils because complete hydrogenation would be a saturated fat. Partially hydrogenated fats produce trans fats, which are the main source of artificial trans fats, not natural trans fats.

So is there a daily limit for trans fats? Because trans fats are not essential fatty acids, there is no daily requirement. Less is generally better. Given the presence of natural trans fats, some units are tentatively set at less than 1 g per day.

How do americans control trans fats? As scientific research is gradually deepening, so is the understanding of trans fatty acids. The U.S. food and drug administration restricted trans fats to less than 4.6 grams per day in 2003 and to less than 1 gram per day in 2012. Trans fat content has been shown on food labels since 2006 and has been mandatory on food labels since 1 January 2008. Trans fats were added to the "generally considered safe" list of foods in 2013 and removed from processed foods on June 16, 2015. Thereafter, any use of trans fats must be specifically approved. But they have given a three-year grace period, effective June 18, 2018. States have their own laws, such as New York City's ban on trans fats in restaurants a few years ago. The United States has restricted the number of coronary heart attacks to a few years. According to their statistics, the number of coronary heart attacks is reduced by 20,000 and the number of coronary heart disease deaths is reduced by 7,000 every year. The food industry spends billions of dollars more, but saves hundreds of billions of dollars in medical bills.

As early as in 2007, China's health authorities mentioned the advice of "stay away from trans fatty acids" in the document, and later carried out in-depth risk monitoring and assessment work. In 2003, the Chinese center for disease control and prevention put the average consumption at about 0.6 grams, far lower than that in Europe and the United States. But experts say the figures are unreliable because they include a large rural population that eats less processed food containing trans fats. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy and the improvement of living standards, urban residents are more and more likely to go to restaurants, eat fast food and eat processed food, and they are worried about their intake of trans fats. For consumers themselves, they should have sufficient and full understanding of the harm of trans fatty acids, start from themselves, and truly stay away from trans fatty acids, so as to avoid cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


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