

Portfolio of Introduction

2020-06-24 15:41:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Introduction of Portfolio,文章讲述本文将介绍我的WRIT 1133课程的最终作品集,该课程为学生提供了一个平台,可通过探索不同的研究传统,“受众”的构造以及寻找和综合主要和次要来源的方法来加强其学术写作。在本作品集中,我完成了四篇不同的文章,以展示我在实现课程目标方面的成就。第一份文件是分析草案,目的是证明我在论文中利用定量数据的能力,该数据来自我与丹佛大学学生进行的访谈数据,同时也展示了我结合定量数据的分析能力。

Portfolio of Introduction
This essay is to introduce my final portfolio for my course WRIT 1133, which gives students a platform to bolster their academic writing by exploring different research traditions, constructions of “audience,” and approaches to finding and synthesizing primary and secondary sources. In this portfolio, I have finished four different essays to show my achievements of realizing the goals of the course. The first document is a draft of analysis to demonstrate my ability to utilize quantitative data in an essay, which comes from my interview data I carried out with the students of University of Denver, and also to present my ability of analysis combining with the quantitative data. The second document is an essay of literature review that shows my ability of demonstrating the practical knowledge and understanding of academic research traditions of text-based/interpretive, and my ability of understanding of using sources in my writing, including the abilities of finding, evaluating, synthesizing and quoting sources. The third document is a revised version of ethnography to demonstrate my using and understanding of rhetorical differences between writing for academic audiences and writing for popular audiences. The four document is my final ethnography version that shows my demonstration of reaching the objectives of the courses of demonstrating how to do academic research traditions of text-based/interpretive and quantitative data, how to revise essays for different audiences and how to utilize and quote sources in the writing well.
The first document is a draft of analysis on my study and shows my abilities of using quantitative research and interpreting the quantitative data. The quantitative data is in the form of my interviews with students and professor of University of Denver. As my study is about America’s racial discrimination, I thought interview is the best way of data collected for the study, which is also a requirement of my assignment and makes me master the direct research method or quantitative research means. I believed I have given enough support to demonstrate how I utilize the quantitative data to analyze my study. For example, when studying and analyzing my research question of what the current situation of racial discrimination in America is, I put Jackie’s conversations as a quantitative data into my analysis part to make my essay more convincing.
Apart from the quantitative research tradition, I think I have master another academic research tradition of text-based/interpretive as well, which can be seen in my document of literature review. In the Literature Review, I believed I have provided enough support of text analysis based on seven reviews from other authors written in APA format. In this document, I focus on my study topic of racial discrimination as well and present enough formal research did by other authors before. Meanwhile, I believe I have done well in utilizing the text analysis in the right form and shown how to analyze the second research in writing. For example, I quoted Meeks’s (2010) argument that racial profiling does happen in the daily life every day in many forms that it will absolutely do harm to people, and explores deeply the main potential racial profiling cases from the perspectives of class, age, race and dress (CARD) (p. 181) to demonstrate racial discrimination at the beginning.
As for my revised version of ethnography, I tried to transform my ethnography written for audiences from academic audience to popular or global audience. As my study is about a serious topic of racial discrimination, it is no wonder that such the study essay reads a little bit serious and boring, which may be just suitable for the academic researchers. Thus, in my revised version, I tried to make my essay more popular and interesting. For example, at the part of my interview, I tried to make the interview more relaxed and interesting like personal conversations of friends, asking “Do you think racial discrimination could be killed in the history one day?” with smile, and the interviewee replied in laughter “Yes, of course, why not! The problem will disappear one day, I think, as it does not adapt to the development of human civilization.”
Finally, in my last document of my final ethnography of study, I believed I have done well in reaching the course’s goals. In this document, I can show my abilities of quoting sources well and demonstrating my academic research traditions with interview and second research.
All in all, this course provides a good opportunity for students to do academic research and shows flexible and creative aspects for students to a large extent. As a learner, I have to say this course teaches me how to be a good researcher under the its challenging tasks. Apart from the second research, which I just know before, the course provides me another research way of quantitative research in the form of interview, giving me a new way to support my argument in the future. Meanwhile, I have better understanding of quoting sources from other authors and using APA format in the writing. With the first try of revising ethnography for different audience, I learn how to speak to popular audience and I will value this opportunity and try to practice it in the future, as I have been always working on the academic audience before. Lastly, I have learned many writing and researching skills from this course and will try to practice the skills well in the future.


