

Essay代写:Historical nihilism

2019-07-23 17:07:19 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Historical nihilism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了历史虚无主义。历史虚无主义从抽象的个人出发考察历史,把个人独立于社会之外,独立于现实之外。历史虚无主义代表着资产阶级的意识形态,与马克思主义代表的无产阶级意识形态相对立。历史虚无主义思潮的存在是长期的,我们不仅要从理论上揭露和批判它,还需要用哲学的方法论找出解决问题的方法。

Historical nihilists believe that China's modern history since 1840 would have been better developed without the Chinese revolution. They believe that reform is better than revolution and deny the historical progress of revolution. They regard revolution as destructive to the development of society and as meaningless to progress. Therefore, they praised reform from this point of view, and believed that reform's positive effect was far greater than revolution. For example, they said from the perspective of construction: "improvement is closer to construction, more convenient to achieve the purpose, is the best policy. Revolution is to destroy, far from the purpose of construction, is the best policy. The May 4th movement was both a revolutionary and destructive movement. However, revolution and destruction were the last choice and a kind of middle policy, which was later ignored. Revolution and destruction were regarded as the best choice and the best policy, thus leading to the worship of revolution and destruction. From the May 4th movement to today, in the political and cultural fields, there was more destruction than construction."

It can be seen from the above views that historical nihilists' attitude towards revolution is to use the destructiveness of revolution to negate the new democratic revolution led by the communist party.

As we know, the reason why China chose the revolutionary road in modern times was determined by the basic national conditions of China at that time -- the nature of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. In such a society, the strength of the three mountains which weigh down on the people is very powerful, and national independence and people's liberation cannot be achieved without revolutionary means. As for the Chinese revolution as a last resort, MAO zedong said in 1920: "in my opinion, the Russian revolution is a tactic of change, which is hopelessly exhausted and leads nowhere. The above point of view is the conclusion drawn by MAO zedong by comparing China's national conditions at that time with Russia's national conditions during the October revolution. The practice of a modern history has proved that revolution is the only choice to solve the main contradiction of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. The history of the old democratic revolution has shown that reformism does not work in China.

At the same time, historical nihilism attempts to negate the legitimacy of the ruling position of the CPC by negating MAO zedong, the first generation leader of the party. As we know, MAO zedong is the founder of new China. Without the victory of the new-democratic revolution led by him, China would not be where it is today. Historical nihilism exaggerates MAO zedong's mistakes in his later years, replaces his contributions with those made in his later years, obliterates MAO zedong's contributions in Chinese history, and deliberately distorts history to create ideological confusion. The purpose of this logic thinking of historical nihilism is to negate the legitimacy of the ruling position of the communist party of China.

As we all know, after the first opium war in 1840, China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. The national conditions of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society in modern China were the starting point for solving all the problems in modern China. The nature of the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society in modern China has determined that the principal contradiction in society is between imperialism and the Chinese nation, between feudalism and the masses of the people. The principal contradiction in society determines the main task, so the main task of modern China is to overthrow the three mountains that weigh on the Chinese people. Chinese people of all walks of life have tried to overthrow the three mountains. From the peasant movement of taiping heavenly kingdom to the westernization movement, from the reform movement of 1898 to the revolution of 1911, the repeated explorations ended in failure. The fundamental reason for the failure was to set up the capitalist system divorced from China's national conditions. However, historical nihilists put aside historical practice and divorced from the national conditions at that time, believing that there are conditions and soil for the development of capitalism in China. For example, historical nihilists believe that modern China is a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, "this theory is actually one-sided", because it "ignores the great significance of the progress of capitalism in China, especially the struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism in politics and culture. The failure to understand that semi-colonies and semi-feudalism are not one and the same, led to the delay in completing the anti-feudalism task after the anti-imperialism task had been completed. In fact, this theory is to use the universal value of the capitalist road to deny the rationality of the socialist road, and then oppose the four basic principles which are the foundation of the country, reverse the socialist direction of the modernization drive, reform and opening up, and achieve the goal of peaceful evolution of China.

The above three negations are organically unified. It is very confusing to negate the legitimacy of the leadership and ruling of the communist party of China from the negation of the Chinese revolution, so as to achieve the purpose of negating the legitimacy of the socialist road. If we want to expose the ulterior purpose of historical nihilism, we must analyze it with the theory of marxism.

Historical nihilism didn't put the unifying of the past, present and future in China, but cut off the inner link between them, in an attempt to separate the Chinese history, especially the 30 years before China's reform and opening up and reform and opening up 30 years after the opposite, with thirty years after 30 years before the negative negative 30 years before or after thirty years. Tell us the dialectics of marxist philosophy, contact means that things between the elements of internal and mutual influence and mutual restriction and mutual action between the relationship of Engels in when it comes to the "dialectical picture" of things widespread contact points out, "when we view the nature or human history through thinking or our own mental activity, first appear in front of our eyes, is a pair of contact and interaction by the endless interweave picture". Human history and other things, the history, the present and the future are related and interlinked. History is the past and reality is the future. From this perspective, the new democratic revolution led by the communist party of China overthrew the three big mountains that weighed on the Chinese people and achieved national independence and people's liberation. The completion of this task has laid a foundation for the task of making the country rich and strong and the people rich. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, under the leadership of the communist party of China (CPC), the communist party of China (CPC) began the arduous exploration of socialist construction and made great achievements. Similarly, without the material foundation laid by the socialist exploration in the first three decades of reform and opening up, the rapid economic and social progress in the past three decades would not have been possible. Therefore, once the inherent link between "past - present - future" is denied, the legitimacy of the ruling of the communist party of China is out of the question. Most importantly, without the support of the new democratic revolution led by the communist party of China and the arduous exploration of socialism, the "present and future" would have lost its foundation and become a castle in the air. However, historical nihilism cuts off the modern and contemporary Chinese history which has an organic connection, denies the universal connection of history, so as to negate the relationship between today's great achievements and the CPC, and thus negate the rationality of the party's leadership. This kind of logic is worthy of every Chinese vigilanc

Historical nihilists always hold a metaphysical and one-sided view when evaluating the history of the new democratic revolution and socialist construction led by the communist party of China, turning a blind eye to the achievements of the communist party of China and infinitely magnifying the mistakes made by the communist party of China. The great leap forward, the people's commune movement and the ten-year "cultural revolution" mistakes made by the communist party of China during the period of socialist exploration are not to compare the mistakes with the great contributions of the communist party of China objectively and justly, but to vilify the history of the party and the Chinese communists regardless of the mainstream and tributaries. The view of contradiction in marxist philosophy points out that contradiction is the relationship that reflects the opposition and unity of things inside and between things. From this point of view, the mistakes made by the communist party of China and MAO zedong in his later years are secondary aspects of the contradiction and do not determine the nature of things. The resolution on some historical issues of the party since the founding of the People's Republic of China states: "comrade MAO zedong is a great marxist, a great proletarian revolutionist, strategist and theorist. Although he made serious mistakes in the 'cultural revolution', his contributions to the Chinese revolution far outweigh his mistakes in his life. His merit comes first, his mistake second." The historical nihilists evaluate the CPC and MAO zedong with the thinking mode of overgeneralization in order to deny the achievements of the new democratic revolution and socialist construction led by the CPC.

On the issue of social development and its laws, there have always been two fundamentally opposite views, one is the idealist view of history, the other is the materialist view of history. Before the emergence of marxism, the idealist view of history had been in a dominant position. Idealism is the main defect of history it is always from the motivations of people activity, and no further research motive behind the material motivation and economic roots, the history of the development of the social history as a spirit, deny the objective law of development of social history, deny the masses of the people in the decisive role in the development of society and history.

Historical nihilism makes a different evaluation of historical events and historical figures without adhering to the same objective standard. The late Mr. Gong shuduo commented: "historical nihilism is not the complete nihilism of history, but the nihilism of something and the non-nihilism of something. Historical nihilism nothingness is one of China's history, is the leadership of the communist party of China and the guidance of marxism-leninism, is people's democratic dictatorship and the socialist system, but the traitor, traitor, reactionary rule is not nothing, but to beautify, praises, the history of the has been reversed to reverse back, confuse right and wrong." Historical nihilism, a wrong way to evaluate history and historical figures, has an ulterior political purpose behind it. By smearing the Chinese communist party, vilifying MAO zedong and causing ideological chaos, they achieved the goal of overthrowing the leadership of the communist party and subverting the socialist system.

Marxist historical materialism reveals that revolution plays a great role in social development. "Revolution is the locomotive of history" and "a powerful driving force for social and political progress". Revolution is not only an important means and decisive link to realize the replacement of social forms, but also can give full play to the decisive role of the people in historical development. But didn't see the history nihilism revolution of the positive role, belittling revolution blindly, slander and deny the Chinese people's anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle for national independence, behind the political purpose is obvious, is through the negative revolution to negate the leadership of the communist party of China, and, in turn, denial of the socialist system, to celebrate the capitalist system provides the theory support for universal values. We must keep a clear mind and not be fooled by this illusion. Of course, marxism did not negate reform as a supplementary means of revolution, and it also played a positive role in the historical development. Marxism does not reject reform, but opposes it. Because reformism advocates replacing social revolution with reform, historical nihilism is a typical reformism that replaces revolution with reform. Reformism ignores the principal contradiction of society, so it is impossible to remove the obstacles to social development fundamentally, and may even go to the opposite side of the revolution and become a stumbling block to the revolution. For China's new democratic revolution, the harm of this reformism is very great. Under the guidance of this theory, it is impossible to solve the principal contradiction between China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, still less to achieve national independence and people's liberation.

Historical nihilism examines history from the abstract individual, independent of society and reality. Marx and Engels pointed out clearly: "the first premise of any human history is undoubtedly the existence of living individuals." The individual here is not a biological individual, but a person in a certain social relationship, which reflects the essential attribute of human sociality. However, when evaluating MAO zedong personally, historical nihilism did not take MAO zedong and other revolutionary leaders into consideration of China's actual national conditions at that time. Instead, it simply started from the ideological motivation of people's historical activities and categorically denied the CPC and its new democratic revolution. We know that the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society at that time China's specific national conditions, based on the old democratic revolution period, the peasant class, bourgeoisie reformers and bourgeois revolutionary leadership of revolution all failed, the practice of revolution has been examined peasant class and the bourgeoisie could not have led the Chinese people to national independence and liberation, one of the most important reason is that there is no unity of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, don't realize one decisive role in the development of the people in history. Historical materialism, when investigating the relationship between man and history, divides the relationship between man and history into three categories, namely, the relationship between man and history, group and history, and individual and history. When investigating the activities of historical subject from the most abstract form, it is undoubtedly necessary to affirm the main body status of man in the overall historical process. It is in this respect that marxist classical writers put forward the view that "people make their own history". At the same time, historical materialism further examines the relationship between groups and history, individuals and history, and distinguishes the different roles of the two in the creation of history, and draws the conclusion that the masses are the creators of history. As we all know, the communist party of China came from the working people, and it is well aware of the oppression and exploitation of the working people. Therefore, since its birth, the CPC has represented the fundamental interests of the people and taken serving the people wholeheartedly as its fundamental purpose. Under the leadership of the communist party of China, the new democratic revolution gained the support and support of the broad masses of the people. A just cause has many supporters, while a unjust cause has few supporters. Historical nihilism fails to see the justice of the new democratic revolution led by the communist party of China, that is, its popular nature, and its essence is that it fails to see the decisive role of the people in historical development.



