下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Factors influencing changes in American family values,文章讲述您是否考虑过自己在家庭中的角色?您是否应该承担做家务和照顾孩子作为母亲的责任?您是否应该以父亲的身份在星期一晚上负责赚钱或将垃圾带出去?不管答案是什么,为什么您认为这是您的责任或为什么不认为这是您的责任?根据我的定义,一个家庭是合法地由婚姻形式的两个人组成的自愿组合,那么他们中的大多数将有一个婴儿形成一个小家庭,但这不是那么简单,并且家庭成员之间应该有爱。夫妻之间的爱情或子女与父母之间的爱情无关紧要。
Have you ever considered the role of yourself in your family? Should you take the responsibility of doing housework and nurse the children as a mother? Should you be responsible for making money or taking the trash out on Monday night as a father? No matter which is the answer, why do you think it is your responsibility or why do you think it is not? By my definition, a family is a willing combination of two people in the form of marriage legally, then most of them will have babies to form the small family, but it is not that simple, and there should have love between the family members no matter the love between the couples or the love between children and parents. Once you have a family, you play specific role. However, the role that family members play changes with the family values changing in the past 50 years in America. There are 2 major changes in my opinion. The first change is that women become more free when it comes to their job choice, and they are less dependent on their husband or family, especially, the traditional specific role of mother change a lot, they don't have to always stay at home looking after children. And the other is the change of people's opinions about marriage and family.
As I mentioned above, family is a willing union of two people in the form of marriage according to the laws. Then most of them will have babies to form a small family, sometimes relatives of both sides will be included, but it is not that simple, and family means love and happiness between the family members no matter the love between the couples or the love between children and parents, which is a critical evaluation of family. Once you have a family, you play specific role. A estabilshement of family is where" how women ensured their financial security, got the father of their children to stick around, and gained access to a host of legal rights“ in the past decades (Bennett, 294), which can demostrate my defination, two persons willingly get together in the form of marriage under the permission of laws. And then many of them will have babies to expand the family; there have husband, wife, fathers and mothers basically. Maybe you will say that family was that“watched on television every day”, “the neat patch of lawn, the apple tree, the mother who never once raised her voice, the three lovely children: a Princess, a Kitten, a Bud’s and, always, the father who knew best.” where love spread seemingly. (Hoffman, 275).“However,family is not that simple but complicated."There are real family values, the same once we knew when we were children. As far as we were considered the same ones we were considered our mother could cure a fever with a kiss, this may be the only thing we ever need to know about love”(Hoffman, 277), thus what matters most is love that is the core value of a family.
The first change is that women become more free when it comes to their job choice, and they are less dependent on their husband or family. They used to stay at home as a housewife to do most of the housework and take care of children and rely on their husband in the past. Since the early 1900s, because of the driving force behind marrige, it is hard for women to find well-paid jobs. Their life were surrounded by houseworks and children caring although in the 1960s, men sometimes help their wives with housewok, their contribution is small in housework. However, with “the feminist movement established our rights in the workforce”(Bennett, 294), women’s roles change and they are more free and they make large number of workforce, become the main income source of a family, have the equal rights with their husband. “Women now constitute a majority of the workforce, we’re more educated, less religious, and living longer, with vacuum cleaners and washing machines to make domestic life easier. We are also the breadwinner in two thirds of American families”.(Bennett, 294).It is obvious that the role of women in a family different from the past, they are more independent and more free in a family.
Secondly, people’s opinions about marriage change, when women are dependent on men and want a marriage to hold the family in the past, now they are more refused to the marriage until they find the right one. We can see from the high divorce rate in America which are familiar but staggering and is the higest in the western world. People’s opinion are more open and more compatible, in fact, the society become a motley mix of single parents, same sex couples, and, yes, unmarried monogamists. In the past, marriage means long-time with each other, but now as anthropologist says “Human are not meant to be together forever, but in short term, monogamous relationships of three or four years (Bennett, 296). More and more Americans are reluctant to get married.They say goodbye to marriage sometimes because it seems that unwed Americans may find it even more advantageous -financially, anyway-to stay single. As a matter of fact, people’s opinions about family changes also. Family used to be should like that in the TV with happy father, mother and Children, but as a child who was raised in a single parent family, the author Hoffeman of The Perfect Family tell us “When I growing up, we paid to high a price when we cut ourselves off the rest of the world. We ourselves did not dare to be different. In the safety we created, we became trapped.”(Bennett, 297). If we have the courage to question: Do a happy love their children any more than the single mother who works all day? Of course not, family is not that simple as I mentioned above, we need to realize the core value of family-love to feel the change.
Finally, family is a warm word and a harbor where full of love although people’s attitudes toward family change. Family is not just what you see on the television in the past, it is more complicated, and accepting to be different from the traditional family definition seems to reasonable. Women is making a large part of the workforce compared to the past when women are expected to stay at home and take care of children and they become independent from their husband and have more freedom to chase what they want. At the same time, people’s opinions toward marriage and family change, which can be shown in the form of high divorce rate, they are freer when it comes to marriage. It seems the rights of people is respected and the whole society become more equal for women and men and we come to more tolerable the existence of difference, which is a good sign for the achievement of human rights.
Alice Hoffman. Viewpoint, The perfect family.
Jessica Bennett, Jesse Ellison. Viewpoint, I DON’T: The Case Against Marriage.