下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Understanding the concept of whimsy through death,文章讲述众所周知,我们人类对死亡了解不多,即使我们付出了足够的努力,也无法丝毫改善。或者,也许可以用另一种方式来说明,对于所有人来说,死亡是一件陌生的事情,而我们与死亡的关系却是我们每个人都难以理解的。但是事实是,所有人类都知道,在未来的意外时刻,死亡是我们每个人的必然趋势。因此,可以很容易地预言,所有人都会以某种方式害怕死亡的到来,以便他们希望死亡的到来能够在他们的生命中尽可能晚地到来。从这个意义上讲,我们可以说人类将死亡视为不可思议的事物,他们深切希望自己摆脱死亡的痛苦。
Understanding the concept of whimsy through death
It is common sense that we humans do not know much about death and it is an issue that we can not improve for the slightest even if we have put enough efforts into within. Or maybe it can be put in another way that death is an unfamiliar thing to all the human beings and our relation to death is hard to be understood by any one of us. But the fact is that all the human beings know that death is an inevitable tendency for each and every one of us at an unexpected moment in the future. Therefore it can be easily predicted that all the people will be somewhat afraid of the coming of death in one way or another so that they may hope that the coming of death can come as late as possible in their life. In this sense, we can say that human beings regard death as something uncanny and they deeply would like that they can get themselves rid of the pains of death.
From the perspective of Sigmund Freud, on one hand, the “uncanny” is that class of the terrifying which leads back to something long known to us, once very familiar and the familiar can become uncanny and frightening in some circumstances. On the other hand, things that are new and unfamiliar are frightening. It can be easily perceived that things that are new and unfamiliar to human beings will certainly be endowed with a greater possibility to make human beings feel afraid and terrified. That is to say, human beings will unconsciously have an uncanny sense toward those things that are new and unfamiliar to them. People’s uncanny sense toward those new and unfamiliar things can be justified by the truth that people are unable to predict how those things will go on and change the direction toward which those things will develop.
To put it into the detailed case of death, it can be explained in this way that as death is new and unfamiliar to all the human beings, people will naturally tend to be afraid of it to a certain degree. So we can have a fair knowledge that people will cultivate an uncanny sense toward death and they have excluded death to the utmost deep down their heart. Moreover, Sigmund Freud has also put forward that the sense of helplessness is likely to bring about an uncanny sense to human beings and people can not be easy to get out of it. The same case as well goes to death in that a large number of people are helpless toward death and they have no choice but to wait for the coming of death proactively. Blankly speaking, people can not decide when and where they will die, in what way they will die and other similar aspects like that related to death. Thus, people will undoubtedly deem death as an uncanny issue under the influence of the sense of helplessness and death’s being unfamiliar and new to all the human beings.
While in the point of view of Lee and Romita in “Spiderman No More”, Peter had argued that being spider-man has brought him nothing but unhappiness. For example, his being unable to accompany his ill aunt, the sharp drop of his grade, his having no time for anything except new problems together with a series of other troubles can make up the reasons to help explain the unhappiness of Peter. In the first beginning, the rationale why Peter would like to become a Spiderman lies in the heady thrill of battle, the precious taste of triumph, the paranoiac thirst for power which can never be quenched. But out of the expectation of Peter, when he really becomes the Spiderman, what he is confronted with is more of unhappiness than of those positive things. There is no doubt that Peter would rather choose not to be a Spiderman in the end. From this sense, we can say that Peter holds that being a Spiderman may be an uncanny thing for him to do.
Just like that being a Spiderman will bring unhappiness to Peter, death can also bring unhappiness to all the human beings and the potential happiness within may be too much for people to stand. Take death as an example, it can be hard to predict the concrete extent to which human beings are uncanny toward death and what are sure is that all the people are afraid of death so that they all reject death. Peter’s refusing to be a Spiderman in the end is right like people’s rejection toward death and the only difference is that the feeling of being a Spiderman can be experienced while death can not be easily tried by any person.
Understanding the concept of whimsy through death
It is common sense that we humans do not know much about death and it is an issue that we can not improve for the slightest even if we have put enough efforts into within. Or maybe it can be put in another way that death is an unfamiliar thing to all the human beings and our relation to death is hard to be understood by any one of us. But the fact is that all the human beings know that death is an inevitable tendency for each and every one of us at an unexpected moment in the future. Therefore it can be easily predicted that all the people will be somewhat afraid of the coming of death in one way or another so that they may hope that the coming of death can come as late as possible in their life. In this sense, we can say that human beings regard death as something uncanny and they deeply would like that they can get themselves rid of the pains of death.
From the perspective of Sigmund Freud, on one hand, the “uncanny” is that class of the terrifying which leads back to something long known to us, once very familiar and the familiar can become uncanny and frightening in some circumstances. On the other hand, things that are new and unfamiliar are frightening. It can be easily perceived that things that are new and unfamiliar to human beings will certainly be endowed with a greater possibility to make human beings feel afraid and terrified. That is to say, human beings will unconsciously have an uncanny sense toward those things that are new and unfamiliar to them. People’s uncanny sense toward those new and unfamiliar things can be justified by the truth that people are unable to predict how those things will go on and change the direction toward which those things will develop.
To put it into the detailed case of death, it can be explained in this way that as death is new and unfamiliar to all the human beings, people will naturally tend to be afraid of it to a certain degree. So we can have a fair knowledge that people will cultivate an uncanny sense toward death and they have excluded death to the utmost deep down their heart. Moreover, Sigmund Freud has also put forward that the sense of helplessness is likely to bring about an uncanny sense to human beings and people can not be easy to get out of it. The same case as well goes to death in that a large number of people are helpless toward death and they have no choice but to wait for the coming of death proactively. Blankly speaking, people can not decide when and where they will die, in what way they will die and other similar aspects like that related to death. Thus, people will undoubtedly deem death as an uncanny issue under the influence of the sense of helplessness and death’s being unfamiliar and new to all the human beings.
While in the point of view of Lee and Romita in “Spiderman No More”, Peter had argued that being spider-man has brought him nothing but unhappiness. For example, his being unable to accompany his ill aunt, the sharp drop of his grade, his having no time for anything except new problems together with a series of other troubles can make up the reasons to help explain the unhappiness of Peter. In the first beginning, the rationale why Peter would like to become a Spiderman lies in the heady thrill of battle, the precious taste of triumph, the paranoiac thirst for power which can never be quenched. But out of the expectation of Peter, when he really becomes the Spiderman, what he is confronted with is more of unhappiness than of those positive things. There is no doubt that Peter would rather choose not to be a Spiderman in the end. From this sense, we can say that Peter holds that being a Spiderman may be an uncanny thing for him to do.
Just like that being a Spiderman will bring unhappiness to Peter, death can also bring unhappiness to all the human beings and the potential happiness within may be too much for people to stand. Take death as an example, it can be hard to predict the concrete extent to which human beings are uncanny toward death and what are sure is that all the people are afraid of death so that they all reject death. Peter’s refusing to be a Spiderman in the end is right like people’s rejection toward death and the only difference is that the feeling of being a Spiderman can be experienced while death can not be easily tried by any person.