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朝日記210108 ニューヨーク・ポストの報道から~デモ 米議事堂侵入についての記事紹介

2021-01-08 07:35:34 | 政治

朝日記210108 ニューヨーク・ポストの報道から~デモ 米議事堂侵入についての記事紹介

今日の絵は Watcher です。

ここでは、トランプ支持系のメディアであるNewYork Postのチャンネルを中心に緊急的に紹介したい。翻訳も可能なかぎり掲載したい。 いわゆる主流メディアでのトランプ氏関連の記事が、つねに揶揄的、否定的であることに偏りを感じてきました。彼を中心とする保守系のメディアの記事はほとんど無視されて、日本では触れる機会のないことに報道としての不自然さを感じてきました。したがってこの朝日記では、こちらにも目を開き、主流メディアと両にらみしていきたいと考えます。 私は、ひとりの人間として、冷静に事態の推移を見て(watching)していきたいと考えます。これは、ひとりの、Trump Watcherとしてであり、彼らの政治に関与する意志のないことを敢えて、宣言いたします。


つぎの3つの記事をまず挙げます。きょうは A10570-1を紹介します。




Twitterはトランプの呼びかけビデオ; 「プロテスターに平和なもとで帰宅するよう」を’暴動の危険性’として止めた(stamp)


A10570-2 議事堂侵入後のペンス氏「これまでと考える」

Pence to GOP pol after Capitol siege: 'After all I've done' (nypost.com)

A10570-3 デモ者侵入の写真;議事堂内の衝撃的な状況

DC protests in pictures: Shocking photos of chaos at US Capitol (nypost.com)


徒然こと1  A10570-1の内容 content of article;

Twitterはトランプの呼びかけビデオ; 「プロテスターに平和なもとで帰宅するよう」を’暴動の危険性’として止めた(stamp)

報告者;チャーリー・カークチャンネルのスタッフ 2,021/1/6

President Trump addressed the “Stop the Steal” March through a video released on Twitter after protesters successfully made their way into the U.S. Capitol building while Congress was debating the certification of the electoral college votes.

In a one-minute video that received 10 million views in just over 30 minutes, President Trump had one simple message: Go home peacefully. “You have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order; we have to respect our great people in law and order. We don’t want anybody hurt” said Trump in the video.

If one wants to watch the video of the President’s remarks, they must go directly to his personal Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump because big tech has already made their opinion of the matter clear, and flexed their muscle. Just below Trump’s tweet, a message conservatives have come to know all too well, Twitter put its stamp of disapproval and stunted freedom of speech.

Next to a bright blue exclamation point reads, “This claim of election fraud is disputed, and this Tweet can’t be replied to, Retweeted, or liked due to a risk of violence.” In the video, Trump said of the election, “we had an election that was stolen from us. And it was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now, we have to have peace.”

After discussing law and order and calling for individuals to go home, he added “It’s a very tough period of time. There’s never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us. From me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election. But we can’t play into the hands of these people.”

Twitter is simply calling Trump’s claim of election fraud…election fraud. Twitter then refuses for his message to be able to “be replied to, Retweeted, or liked due to a risk of violence.” However, Trump ends his video saying, “We have to have peace. So, go home, we love you, you’re very special. You’ve seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil; I know how you feel. But go home, and go home in peace.”




Pence to GOP pol after Capitol siege: 'After all I've done' (nypost.com)


DC protests in pictures: Shocking photos of chaos at US Capitol (nypost.com)



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