HIV patients (30 persons/ Chiang Mai) were administrated SM (1ml/day) for 365 days. All patients were succeded to virus free.
Children (300 person of elementary school / BKK) were administrated SM (1ml/day) for 365 days. All children were kept to virus free (coronavirus(COVID-19), influenza, measles) for one year.
Patients with Ulcerative colitis was administrated SM (1ml/day) for 30 days. Ulcerative colitis was remitted. Uranium (10 Kg) radiation was also effective.
Ulcerative colitis
日本医師会の平均的レベル「なみはやリハビリテーション病院」 5年前
Clinical trials to Atopic dermatitis treating with Structured micronutrient 5年前
Ministry of Public Health, Thailand 5年前
The Society of Alternative Medicine 5年前
母親の学歴が子供の学歴に影響 6年前
母親の学歴が子供の学歴に影響 6年前
母親の学歴が子供の学歴に影響 6年前
ハラベンを使い終わった場合 9年前
元島栖二著 図解カーボンマイクロコイル 日刊工業新聞社(2013.03.25.) 10年前
がんからの生還は、医療界の黄金の規範(Money Rule)に対する反逆 10年前