CD4 cell
CD4 positive T cells (CD4 cells) are indispensable leukocytes in the human immune system. These cells send signals to immune system cells such as CD8-positive T cells (killer T cells), and thus CD4 cells are called helper cells.

When CD4 cells send a signal, CD8 cells receive and destroy and kill infected cells. CD4 cells are depleted in cancer patients and patients infected with the virus (HIV, Influenza, Coronavirus (COVID-19)), and are susceptible to infection by various pathogens that healthy people do not cause infections become.

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) utilizes CD4 to enter host T cells.
Due to virus (HIV, Influenza, Coronavirus (COVID-19)) infection, the number of CD4-expressing T cells (the so-called helper T cells described above) gradually decreases.

The normal value of CD4 positive cell count is 500-1200 / μL. CD4 count assesses the number of cells expressing CD4.
The CD4 count is used as a marker of the function of the patient's immune system. Patients are treated when the CD4 count falls below 350 / μL, and below 200 / μL they are diagnosed with terminal cancer, HIV-positive patients, and coronavirus infection. Testing for CD4 counts is an indicator of the effectiveness of treatment.

If the structured micronutrient is continuously prescribed at about 10 ml / day to patients with terminal cancer or virus infection, the CD4 count quickly returns to the normal number in 5 to 15 minutes (150-200 / μL). With continuous consumption of SM, patients with breast cancer, uterine cancer, etc. have remitted in 1 to 1.5 years. HIV patients are virus-free in one year.
In a primary school (CLUSTER 300), children had been drinking SM for one year and did not develop any coronavirus infection such as influenza. Ingestion of SM can suppress new type coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.
CD4 cells are distributed in large numbers in the esophagus and intestinal tract. By drinking structured micronutrient (SM), SM repairs genetic mutations in the intestinal tract and allows CD4 cells to grow to normal numbers in minutes. This allows patients to realize that their cancer and viral infections have improved immediately. This has given the patient a willingness to try continuing SM drinking.

CD4 (cluster of differentiation 4)
Breast cancer stage IV clinical trial
http://ameblo.jp/atayama0930/ Breast Cancer Stage IV,
Lymph and Lung metastases, SM 10 ml/day for 1 year. LX splay.
Structured micronutrient, E. Idaka, US PAT, JPN PAT, THAI PAT. FDA registered as medicine.