5月13日(土)に開催されたサロンdeパーティの報告の最終回はパフォーマンス 今回はブライダルダンスとスウィングでした!どちらも専属ダンスチームJSDTのメンバーによるものだよ
The last party review for Salon de Party (May 13th) features performance We had first dance demonstration and swing, both performed by Japan Social Dance Theater
ブライダルダンスby Mr.オザワ、マユ&オグ Wedding Dance by Mr. Ozawa, Mayu & Ogu
The Last Dance with bride's father and the first dance with the groom
スウィング by チエリ&ホソイ Swing by Chieri & Hosoi
Cool star, then cute & rythmical swing after a quick change
みんなもJSDTのパフォーマンスを見にパーティに来てね~ 元気になるよ
Please come and see JSDT performance You should never miss it at our dance parties
いつも応援ありがとう Thank you always for supporting us
The last party review for Salon de Party (May 13th) features performance We had first dance demonstration and swing, both performed by Japan Social Dance Theater
ブライダルダンスby Mr.オザワ、マユ&オグ Wedding Dance by Mr. Ozawa, Mayu & Ogu
The Last Dance with bride's father and the first dance with the groom
スウィング by チエリ&ホソイ Swing by Chieri & Hosoi
Cool star, then cute & rythmical swing after a quick change
みんなもJSDTのパフォーマンスを見にパーティに来てね~ 元気になるよ
Please come and see JSDT performance You should never miss it at our dance parties
いつも応援ありがとう Thank you always for supporting us