さてさて、お待ちかねのJSDCサマーパーティももうすぐだね イエーイ。ポーちゃんは、パーティで皆さんお一人お一人がクールな時を過ごせるよう、プレゼントうちわの準備に取り組んでおります 高知県馬路村から取り寄せた、杉から出来たウチワパタパタするとほのかに香るよ 杉の香りは、心を落ち着かせるリラクゼーション効果があるんだって。丈夫なので夏の間中使ってね~ パーティではこのウチワを持って皆で踊るよ パーティチケットがまだの方は当日券もまだ大丈夫だよん 是非是非、遊びに来てね。一緒に楽しもう
You can't miss JSDC summer party 2006 this weekend Are you excited?? I AM I'm now preparing present UCHIWA fans for every single guest to enjoy the coolest party hours of the summer Those fans are made of ceder trees and ordered from Baji village in Kochi prefecture When you use the fan, the ceder smells really nice, which is supposed to relax your mind. It is also strong enough that it should last during the whole summer! We are dancing with these fans at the party!! If you still haven't gotten your ticket, please just go to Opera 90 studio Let's have a ball together
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