涼しいと思ったら、9月も最終週となりました~ハヤい。 JSDCの9月も色々あったけど、敬老の日はジャパンソーシャルダンスシアターのメンバー、チエリ&ホソイが、老人ホームのおじいちゃんおばあちゃんを訪れたよ スウィングのパフォーマンス、ぬいぐるみとの可愛いダンスを披露した後は、もちろんみんなで一緒に踊ったのだ とっても元気な皆さんは、恥ずかしがるどころか、とっても積極的に踊ってくれました おじいちゃん、おばあちゃん楽しい時間をありがとうございました
Wow! It's the end of September already No wonder it's getting cool at night after lessons JSDC had a lot of events this months--just like other months--but this month was our first visit to a nursing home. On September 18, Respect for the Aged Day, Chieri & Hosoi, Japan Social Dance Theater members, performed swing, and danced with puppets. Best of all, after the performance they danced with everybody who joined the event Hosoi & Chieri were surprised to see how energetic the seniors at the center were. Thank you very much for the great time
また行くからね~ We'll be back there to dance with you
Wow! It's the end of September already No wonder it's getting cool at night after lessons JSDC had a lot of events this months--just like other months--but this month was our first visit to a nursing home. On September 18, Respect for the Aged Day, Chieri & Hosoi, Japan Social Dance Theater members, performed swing, and danced with puppets. Best of all, after the performance they danced with everybody who joined the event Hosoi & Chieri were surprised to see how energetic the seniors at the center were. Thank you very much for the great time
また行くからね~ We'll be back there to dance with you