踊る!JSDC (Japan Social Dance Club)!

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JSDTのパフォーマンスを見に来てね Come and See JSDT performance!

2008年04月23日 | JSDT
入場は無料♪ お気軽にお散歩がてらお出かけくださ~い

Have you made any plans for up-coming 'Golden Week' yet?
Whether it'll be busy or relaxing, please come and see Viennese Waltz performance by Japan Social Dance Theater (JSDT) at Setagaya Public Theater in Sangenjaya!
Theare are many other groups of performers are joining this stage show, and JSDT's show is going to be at around 2:45!
With a few new members, the members are doing the last rehearsal now
The admission is free, and please feel free to take a walk to Sangenjaya and stop by at the public theater.
Click here for the details

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