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タンゴの映画 Movie de Tango

2006年11月23日 | ペアダンス豆知識 Info

タンゴが似合うロマンチックな季節だな~  何かいいダンス映画はないかな~ ・・・と思っているあなたのための映画がもうすぐ公開されるよ。アルゼンチンタンゴを通して出会う男女の物語のフランス映画、タイトルはズバリ「愛されるために、ここにいる(2005)」ワオ ホームページで予告編などみてね。 


 Don't you think Autumn is a perfect season for tango・・・very romantic? If you feel like a good dance movie, this is for you "Je ne suis pas la pour etre aime"-I'm here to be loved-... what other titles could be more romantic It's a French story about a man and a woman who find romance dancing tango WOW. Click here for Yaho movie review. Click here for the movie trail.


好きなダンス映画は?What's your favorite dance movie?

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Cannot help talking (Dancing Deer)
2006-11-28 12:40:15
Maybe I have been writing too many comments (?! Is it alright?), but I cannot help mentioning one movie that made me determined to learn tango –
‘TANGO (1998, Spain, http://moviessearch.yahoo.co.jp/detail/tymv/id84906/ )’.
It gave me the impression that TANGO belongs to the world of grown-ups – sensual, profound and mysterious… Very good movie.
Sincere wishes!
movie! (po-chan)
2006-12-03 00:26:45
Hey, Dancing Deer! How are you spending the holiday season.... it's not quiet 'holiday' yet in Japan though. I love reading your comments and I'm sure everybody else does too. So, please keep give me your feed back anytime! It can never be too many!
Well, I guess I haven't seen the movie. It's going to be one of my dance movie collection for sure. Thank you for sharing your thoughts again.

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