昨年ご結婚したToshiakiさんとTomokoさんからブライダルダンス大成功のお知らせが来たよ ダンスはゲストの皆さんにとってもビックリの演出だったみたいで、お友達にもおじいちゃんおばあちゃんにも(つまり全員に!)とっても喜んでもらえた様子 拍手と手拍子でいっぱいだったんだって♪お二人とも御忙しい中レッスンを頑張ってよかったですね どのポーズも素敵 いつまでもいつまでもお幸せに
JSDC received these pictures from Toshiaki and Tomoko, newlyweds who got married last year, and of course, did a beautiful & successful first dance Dancing seemed to be a great 'surprise' for their friends and families at the wedding party, and everyone loved their romantic performance The guests didn't stop clapping after the dance. They practiced dancing really hard before their wedding, spending as much time as possible All the poses looked fantastic, don't they Congratulations to Toshiaki & Tomomi
今日も遊びに来てくれてありがとうThank you for visiting our site
JSDC received these pictures from Toshiaki and Tomoko, newlyweds who got married last year, and of course, did a beautiful & successful first dance Dancing seemed to be a great 'surprise' for their friends and families at the wedding party, and everyone loved their romantic performance The guests didn't stop clapping after the dance. They practiced dancing really hard before their wedding, spending as much time as possible All the poses looked fantastic, don't they Congratulations to Toshiaki & Tomomi
今日も遊びに来てくれてありがとうThank you for visiting our site