1月7日(日)北九州パレスでステップアップトゥドリーム主催の新年チャリティダンスパーティが開催されたよ。JSDCのヨシ矢野は特別講師として招かれ、団体主催の吉田文子先生、そして生徒さんお二人とダンスデモを行いました 350名の方が訪れ、フロアいっぱいに新年をお祝いしたぞ~
Yoshi Yano from JSDC was invited to New Year's Charity Party presented by Step Up To Dreamin Kitakyushu city on Sunaday, January 7th He performed with the instructor and group organizer, Fumiko Yoshida, and two of her students in Kitakyushu. 350 guests joined the party and celebrated 2007 dancing, dancing, and dancing
JSDC is going to have our New Year's party this weekend at Toho dance hall in Yurakucho. Let's have fun, dancing, drinking, and singing
新年の抱負は?? What's your new year's resolution??