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今年も舞台で! Great performance!

2006年06月07日 | レッスン&講習会 Lessons
こんにちは!本日、6月8日(水)視覚障害者クラス「明朗会」が舞台でワルツを披露したよ~ この五ヶ月間ヘルパーさんも一緒に練習した成果をたくさんのお客さんの前で発表 美しく大成功しました。

Hello! Today is the big day for the class for the visually inpaired, "Meirokai" With the help of assistants, the students had been practicing waltz for 5 months! The performance was just great!

They'll come back on the stage next year!

応援してくれて、心よりありがとう!Thank you for reading JSDC blog
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dress (ポーちゃん)
2006-06-19 09:52:06
Hi, Dancing Deer!

I liked the dresses too!

I'm sure the performers were also really happy that they made this happen all by themselves with their own dresses, the originally choreographed dancing, and the special friends.
The hand-made dresses (Dancing Deer)
2006-06-16 17:35:20
I checked the photo again. The simple style and white-red color coordination seem to match well with the theme of the party. Originally designed and hand-made dress surely make difference, but they are usually expensive!
inspiring! (ポーちゃん)
2006-06-12 01:44:51
Thank you for your comment, dancing deer♪ The show was just beautiful... have you noticed that the dresses were all hand made? I was there videotaping, and they surely DID influence me!
Best wishes for Meirokai (Dancing Deer)
2006-06-11 14:50:58
Very good class and event for the visually inpaired

As visually inpired persons, Stevie Wander and Helen Keller are very influential over the world. Stevie's songs and Helen's life inspired the whole world.

But somehow, I feel that, before they became great persons, people who inspired them are even greater!



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