会社の経営者の方々が地域ごとに集まって、情報交換や地域活性のための経営戦略を話し合う「法人会」 その中でも、習志野法人会はひと味違うよ ここでは、いつものビジネス会議に加えて、毎月違う分野の特別講師を招き、セミナーを開講することで幅広い知識を身につけてるのだ いいね。 今月はそのセミナー講師としてJSDCのヨシ矢野が招かれ、スウィングとフォックストロットのレッスンを行ったんだ ダンスは初めての方、「以前ダンパ(ダンスパーティ)で良く踊ってました!」という方、みんなで楽しくステップ練習しました これをきっかけに、会社をそして地域を元気いっぱいにしてくださいね~
Hojinkai, or a corporation union is a group organized by company presidents and shop owners who run their business in the same area, where they exchange bussiness info. or discuss strategies for the area development. Narashino Hojinkai does something more than jsut a business meeting They invite an expert from different fields every month to broaden their knowledge and perspectives For this month, Yoshi Yano from JSDC was invited for dance lessons A few beginners and some who experienced dancing when they were younger and dance parties were trend, practiced Swing and Foxtrot all together I'm sure the dancing increased their energy level and gave them a lot of new inspiration for their business and the city development
いつも応援ありがとうThank you for supporting JSDC
Hojinkai, or a corporation union is a group organized by company presidents and shop owners who run their business in the same area, where they exchange bussiness info. or discuss strategies for the area development. Narashino Hojinkai does something more than jsut a business meeting They invite an expert from different fields every month to broaden their knowledge and perspectives For this month, Yoshi Yano from JSDC was invited for dance lessons A few beginners and some who experienced dancing when they were younger and dance parties were trend, practiced Swing and Foxtrot all together I'm sure the dancing increased their energy level and gave them a lot of new inspiration for their business and the city development
いつも応援ありがとうThank you for supporting JSDC