踊る!JSDC (Japan Social Dance Club)!

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おわかい!シニアクラス Senior Class 'So Young!'

2007年01月01日 | シニアクラス
65歳以上の方が対象のシニアクラスは世田谷区で開講してるよ 写真は昨年末にクリスマス&忘年会を兼ねてミニパーティを行った時のもの 毎週のレッスンに加えて、JSDCのパーティでは他のクラスの皆さんとも踊って下さる皆さんの姿はすごーく若々しいのです シニアクラスでは難しいステップを学ぶというより、健康増進と社交の場として無理ないステップをストレッチ運動の後に楽しむんだ もちろん、65歳以上の方も、通常クラスは年齢を問わず(20代~80代までいらっしゃいます)ご参加いただけますので目的に合わせて遊びにいらしてくださいね~ 

One of JSDC special classes is Senior Class in Setagaya open for anybody over 65 years old. The picture is from the last class in 2006 when the students had a christmas & year-end party In addition to the weekly lesson, they often join JSDC parties with other students from regular classes. Whenever watching them dancing at parties, I'm amazed how young and energetic they look The object for this senior class is to improve their health condition and to interact&socialize with other classmates. So, they learn relatively easy steps after long streching excersise in every class, rather than mastering difficult steps And of course, even if you're 65 years old or older, you are also welcome to join regular lessons (current age range is 20s-80s)!!

良いお年を~。Have a happy new year.
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