6日付け「South China Morning Post」に、香港動物愛護協会(SPCA:愛護動物協會 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (HK) )のキャンペーン記事が掲載されました。キャンペーンは、香港をアジア初の「No-Kill City」にしようというもの。捨てられた健康なペットを“処分”する代わりに、ペットの新しい家を探させるなど、飼い主の義務を強化しようという試みです。
'I became your best friend . . . how could you?'
(South China Morning Post 2002.04.06 Hong Kong)
アメリカ人ライターの“代筆”による手紙は「How could you?(どうしてそんな事できるの)」と題し、SPCAメンバー約2千名にEメールで発送されました。
'I became your best friend . . . how could you?'
【サウス・チャイナ・モーニング・ポスト 2002年4月6日】
A letter "written" by an abandoned dog to his owner before being put down has been sent to SPCA members as part of the campaign to stop pets being left.
The piece, entitled How could you? by American writer Jim Willis, was e-mailed to about 2,000 SPCA members last week.
アメリカ人ライター、ジム・ウィリス氏の作によるこの手紙は「How could you?(どうしてそんな事できるの?)」と題し、先週SPCAメンバー2千名余りにEメールで送られたものだ。
Written from the dog's perspective, it says: "When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh . . . I became your best friend."
However, the owner eventually loses his affection for the dog, and takes it to a vet to be put down.
"She [the vet] placed me on the table and rubbed my ears, and told me not to worry . . . she expertly slid the hypodermic needle into my vein. As I felt the sting and the cool liquid coursing through my body, I lay down sleepily, looked into her kind eyes and murmured 'how could you'?
"Perhaps because she understood my dogspeak, she said, 'I'm so sorry'."
Dr Margaret Bradley, the SPCA's chief veterinary surgeon, told a similar tale, from real life. She said she always apologised to animals on the operating table before putting them down.
"I look into their eyes and say 'I'm sorry' and tell them I do not want to do it and I do it just because we do not have any other option," she said.
(South China Morning Post 2002.04.06 Hong Kong)
アメリカ人ライターの“代筆”による手紙は「How could you?(どうしてそんな事できるの)」と題し、SPCAメンバー約2千名にEメールで発送されました。
'I became your best friend . . . how could you?'
【サウス・チャイナ・モーニング・ポスト 2002年4月6日】
A letter "written" by an abandoned dog to his owner before being put down has been sent to SPCA members as part of the campaign to stop pets being left.
The piece, entitled How could you? by American writer Jim Willis, was e-mailed to about 2,000 SPCA members last week.
アメリカ人ライター、ジム・ウィリス氏の作によるこの手紙は「How could you?(どうしてそんな事できるの?)」と題し、先週SPCAメンバー2千名余りにEメールで送られたものだ。
Written from the dog's perspective, it says: "When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh . . . I became your best friend."
- 「僕がまだ小っちゃかった頃、
However, the owner eventually loses his affection for the dog, and takes it to a vet to be put down.
"She [the vet] placed me on the table and rubbed my ears, and told me not to worry . . . she expertly slid the hypodermic needle into my vein. As I felt the sting and the cool liquid coursing through my body, I lay down sleepily, looked into her kind eyes and murmured 'how could you'?
- 「女の人(獣医)は僕を台の上に乗せると、
"Perhaps because she understood my dogspeak, she said, 'I'm so sorry'."
- 「彼女は犬の言葉がわかったみたいで、
Dr Margaret Bradley, the SPCA's chief veterinary surgeon, told a similar tale, from real life. She said she always apologised to animals on the operating table before putting them down.
"I look into their eyes and say 'I'm sorry' and tell them I do not want to do it and I do it just because we do not have any other option," she said.