
FOX新聞館ブログ版             香港・台湾・中国 NEWSコラム+不謹慎発言


2003-01-08 17:36:25 | 親台右翼
> 毅然たる姿勢を貫き通せ【尖閣借り上げ問題
> (産経 2003.01.07 社説1)









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「尖閣・久場島借り上げは在日米軍のため」 フッ (ゾンビ@右翼も左翼も死ね)
2006-05-02 00:36:25
(2003.01.10 00:11:39JST)













Diaoyu islet leased to Japan since 1972

---The territorial dispute escalates as Tokyo reveals it has been renting Kuba as a possible military exercise base for US troops

(South China Morning Post 2003.01.09 China)




Amid a raging territorial dispute with its neighbours, Tokyo has revealed it has been leasing an islet in the disputed Diaoyu chain for more than three decades.


"We are leasing the island as a possible military exercise ground for US troops," said a spokesman for the Defence Facilities Administration Agency, which has been paying for the lease from its own budget.



He said Tokyo had begun leasing uninhabited Kuba Island in May 1972, when Washington returned the southern prefecture of Okinawa to Japan.


At the time, Kuba belonged to a Japanese family - the Kuriharas - who also owned three other islets in the five-island chain. The fifth islet is owned by Japan's Finance Ministry.


After the original contract for Kuba expired in 1992, another was signed, which could be extended up to 20 years, the official said yesterday.


The US military has not used the island since May 1978. "But we are keeping it available for them," the spokesman added.


The revelation followed a report in the Yomiuri newspaper on January 1 that Japan had leased three uninhabited islands off its southwestern coast in a bid to strengthen its claim on the chain. It prompted angry responses from Beijing and Taipei, which both insist the islands belong to them.


On Monday, Tokyo rejected a protest by Beijing, which said the lease was "not acceptable".


Beijing also blasted as "invalid" Japan's leasing of the fourth islet. "The Diaoyu Island and its adjacent islets have been a part of Chinese territory since ancient times. Any unilateral action taken by the Japanese side on these islets is invalid," the Foreign Ministry said.


Tokyo continues to insist that both history and international law prove the islets are part of Japanese territory.


China ceded the islands with Taiwan to Japan in 1895. They were put under US control after World War II and were returned to Japanese hands in 1972.


The dispute over the islands erupted on the international stage after a United Nations economic report suggested in 1968 that there were oil deposits under the East China Sea.


The Yomiuri, citing the Defence Facilities Administration Agency and other sources, said a 20-year rental contract was signed between the government and Kuba's "landlord" in 1972.


Although the ownership of the island changed in 1978, 1988 and 1989 due to inheritance and other reasons, the contract was taken over by successive owners, the report added.


When the first contract expired in 1992, both parties signed a new 20-year contract, the Yomiuri said.


"However, the owner did not agree to register the lease, so the government's right as leaseholder has not been registered," the paper added.

