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A quick Sunday Yuriage fish market trip

2023年04月14日 | ★STARRY★

There is a small coastal town just south of Sendai called Natori. One section of it is named Yuriage, located right on the edge of the sea. So, of course, it was wiped out by the 2011 tsunami. That disastrous tsunami consumed not only the town itself but even more tragically, well over half its residents.

But now almost twelve years later, the area has been impressively transformed. It is almost entirely cleared of rubble, and land is being elevated, hopefully, to block another tsunami from entering the area. Also very happily, the fabulous Sunday morning market has reopened.


Yuriage’s fish market is very popular, despite its very early hours. People gather there to enjoy seafood fresh from the ocean, and vegetables straight from the nearby farms. In fact, the seafood is so fresh it goes directly from boats to stalls, to customers’ hands to grills, where it is cooked and eaten immediately.


Next to this market, there is a wooden building called The Maple House. It was donated by a Canadian project called The Canada-Tohoku Friendship Program. It is as much an educational center as a place to relax. If you feel cold during the winter season you just go inside, warm yourself and sip some hot coffee or better yet eat some delicious food.

Yuriage is indeed a special place, offering its ongoing story of depth and darkness, hope and joy.



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