仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Who Stole Christmas?

2024年12月06日 | ★STARRY★

Last night I saw a TikTok video joke about the Grinch stealing the children`s gifts under the Christmas tree. The caption of the TikTok video is Told my kids if they keep misbehaving the Grinch is going to steal their presents. They should have listened. The joke was hilarious but I felt sorry for the children who cried and watched the Grinch steal and run out with their gifts.


But after watching that TikTok video I remembered the movie about the meanest villain of Christmas, The Grinch. I liked and loved the meaning of the story…but it wasn’t until last night that I truly sat and REALLY thought about how it applied to my life.


There are a lot of things we can learn from The Grinch. Like, when someone is unkind or hurtful in their actions, it does not mean they are truly that way in their heart. There is always something deeper causing them to react in certain ways. You see, we all get hurt. We all have baggage and scars. Things that have happened or didn’t happen to us in our lives have shaped our view of the world in some way, and in many ways…it can shape our view of people in general.


Well, as I watched the movie and watched the transformation of the Grinch, he realized that he truly never hated Christmas or hated the people who celebrated it. He realized that he had simply been LONELY. This feeling of loneliness and rejection had pushed him to become someone he truly never wanted to be…and he had not taken the time to work to change that until he had his eyes opened to what his true issue was.


Look for the brighter side of life, enjoy, and always think we are not alone in this world.



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