仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Travs' Friday Update

2017年09月22日 | ★STARRY★

Howdy Partners 

Wassup   It's me... You know... Travis sensei....HEY 

Well, another week has gone by 

Did you have a nice week  

Almost Halloween time and Starry will be doing our annual Halloween Party It is always SO SO FUN...

HOPE YOU SIGN UP SOON  60 MEMBERS CAN JOIN THIS YEAR. Usually we have 100 or more. Make sure you turn in your sign-up sheet QUICKLY. I can't wait to have a great time at our Halloween Party. It's the same day as the Taihaku Festival and YEP, we got a booth again this year. Chili dogs and S'mores...Mmmm Yummy. You can roast your own marshmallow too....Yahooo 

Much love to you and your family from....Travis sensei

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