1600毎日:Everything White House 11/16/17
whitehouse.gov / taxreformで 詳しく読む。
マイク・ペンス副大統領とカレン・ペンス夫人は、テキサス州オースティンを訪問し、ハリケーン・ハーベイ災害救援とFEMA合同フィールド・オフィスでの復興活動の説明会を受けました。副大統領は、FEMAの勤勉な男性と女性、緊急対応者に献身してくれたことに感謝し、行政が連邦政府の全資源を回復中にテキサス州民に提供したことを明らかにした。彼は、グレッグ・アボット(Greg Abbott)知事、リック・ペリー(Rick Perry)長官、FEMA管理者、ブローク・ロング(Bry Long)に加わりました。
ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領がベトナム訪問 | 2017年11月11日(Shealah Craigheadによる公式ホワイトハウス写真)
All White House news, events, latest information, 1600 Daily: 2017-11-17
Latest information, news and events from White House, 1600 Daily: 2017-11-17
1600 Daily: Everything White House 11/16/17
NOVEMBER 16, 2017
Summary: Get news, events and updates from the White House here at 1600 Daily.
Tax Reform that Makes Numbers Move
Today, President Donald J. Trump will be at the U.S. Capitol to talk America First tax reform with the House Republican Conference. The President’s priorities have been consistent: cutting tax rates for middle-income families, simplifying the tax code, and slashing the corporate tax rate to promote job growth and bring overseas profits back to the U.S. economy. Pay raises from these tax cuts could put around $5,000 back in American pockets, allowing more hardworking American families to enjoy financial prosperity and peace of mind. Dramatic tax cuts, massive job creation, and competitive American business are at the heart of America First tax reform.
Read more at whitehouse.gov/taxreform.
Growing America’s Global Relationships in Asia
During President Trump’s recent historical trip to Asia, he made tremendous efforts to invest in American workers, encourage fair and reciprocal trade, generate unified resolve to denuclearize North Korea, promote a free and open Indo-Pacific region, and express the United States’ commitment to Asia.
“I'm here to advance peace, to promote security, and to work with you to achieve a truly free and open Indo-Pacific, where we are proud and we have sovereign nations, and we thrive, and everybody wants to prosper,” President Trump said of his trip.
In China, South Korea, and Vietnam, new trade and investment deals were announced that will create jobs for American workers, increase American exports, and stimulate investments in American communities. President Trump underscored the importance of rebalancing bilateral economic relationships with all countries he visited, advancing fair trade and working towards ending years of unbalanced trade that has left too many Americans behind. Additionally, President Trump called upon all responsible nations to work to compel the North Korean regime to denuclearize and strengthened existing relations with Asian nations that will propel regional development and prosperity.
Read more about the strides President Trump made towards global prosperity here.
Continuing Relief and Recovery in Texas
Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence visited Austin, Texas, on Wednesday to receive a briefing on Hurricane Harvey disaster relief and recovery efforts at the FEMA Joint Field Office. The Vice President thanked the hard-working men and women of FEMA and emergency responders for their dedication and he made clear that the Administration has made the full resources of the federal government available to the people of Texas during the recovery. He was joined by Governor Greg Abbott, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, and FEMA Administrator Brock Long.
See more here.
POTUS in Vietnam
President Donald J. Trump visits Vietnam | November 11, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)
In the morning, President Donald J. Trump traveled to the U.S. Capitol, where he delivered remarks on tax reform to the House Republican Conference.
Tonight, the Vice President will speak at the Tax Foundation's annual dinner at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C.
Please be interested in humanitarian crimes in Japan (sued to ICC)
I am sending everyday to President Trump and the world media.