White Houseからの最新情報
1600毎日:Everything White House 11/20/17
今朝、2つの七面鳥の名前が発表されました - ドラムスティックとウィッシュボーン。どの七面鳥大統領が恩赦すべきかを決定するために今投票してください!
授賞式に続いて、七面鳥は、バージニア州ブラックスバーグのバージニア工科大学の「ゴブラーズ・レスト(Gobblers Rest)」の七面鳥に参加し、学生と獣医師が七面鳥を気遣い、一般の人々が大学の教育、研究、奉仕プログラム動物および家禽科学および獣医学において使用される。
オクラホマメンズゴルフ、オクラホマ女子体操、オクラホマメンズ体操、メリーランドウィメンズラクロス、メリーランドメンズラクロス、ウェストバージニアライフル、ウェストバージニアライフル、ワシントン大学女子漕艇、ペンステートレディースラグビー、ペンステートメンズレスリング(代表団) )、オクラホマソフトボール、バージニアメンズテニス、アリゾナ州女子トライアスロン、フロリダ野球、マッケンドリーレディースボウリング、テキサスA&Mメンズインアンドボディーフィールド、オハイオ州メンズバレーボール、ユタスキー。
ここ のイベントのハイライトをご覧ください。
ドナルドJ.トランプ大統領とオクラホマ大学ソフトボールNCAA女子大学ワールドシリーズチャンピオンチーム | 2017年11月17日(アンドレア・ハンクスの公式ホワイトハウス写真)
今朝、トランプ大統領は毎日の情報ブリーフィングを受け、続いて内閣との会談を行った。その後、大統領はマイク・ペンス副大統領と住宅都市開発局長のベン・カーソンと昼食を取った。その後、大統領はRex Tillerson国務長官と米国のNikki Haley大使に会いました。
All White House news, events, latest information, 1600 Daily: 2017-11-21
Latest information, news and events from White House, 1600 Daily: 2017-11-21
1600 Daily: Everything White House 11/20/17
NOVEMBER 20, 2017
Summary: Get news, events and updates from the White House here at 1600 Daily.
Cutting Through the Spin on Tax Reform
Denouncing Republican tax reform as a giveaway to large corporations is a blatant misdirection, says the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board. “The irony is that the Senate and House bills would do far more to stop corporate tax gaming than anything the Obama Administration did in eight years.”
“The truth is that it’s a serious attempt to fix a broken U.S. code that has festered for years and made America increasingly uncompetitive as a destination for mobile global capital,” they write. “The GOP reforms would help the economy and make it harder for corporations to avoid paying taxes.”
Read the full article here.
National Thanksgiving Turkeys Have Arrived
Yesterday, two Thanksgiving turkeys arrived at The Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., where they are currently being pampered in preparation for the Presidential turkey pardoning tomorrow afternoon. One turkey will receive a pardon and the title of National Thanksgiving Turkey, while the other will serve as an official alternate should the pardoned turkey be unable to fulfill his duties.
This morning, the names of the two turkeys were announced – Drumstick and Wishbone. VOTE NOW to decide which turkey President Trump should pardon!
Following the ceremony, the turkeys will join last year’s turkeys at Virginia Tech’s “Gobblers Rest” exhibit in Blacksburg, Virginia, where students and veterinarians care for the turkeys, and the public can visit and learn about the university’s teaching, research, and outreach programs in animal and poultry sciences and veterinary medicine.
NCAA Champions Visit the White House
On Friday, President Donald J. Trump hosted 18 NCAA championship teams at the White House. The President commended the student athletes for their extraordinary athletic achievements and their diligence in balancing a commitment to sport and excellence in the classroom.
The teams in attendance were: Oklahoma Men's Golf, Oklahoma Women's Gymnastics, Oklahoma Men's Gymnastics, Maryland Women's Lacrosse, Maryland Men's Lacrosse, West Virginia Rifle (Coed), University of Washington Women's Rowing, Penn State Women's Rugby, Penn State Men's Wrestling (Delegation), Oklahoma Softball, Virginia Men's Tennis, Arizona State Women's Triathlon, Florida Baseball, McKendree Women's Bowling, Texas A&M Men's Indoor Track and Field, Ohio State Men's Volleyball, and Utah Skiing.
See highlights from the event here.
POTUS with college champions
President Donald J. Trump and the University of Oklahoma Softball NCAA Women's College World Series Champion Team | November 17, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)
This morning, President Trump received his daily intelligence briefing followed by a meeting with his Cabinet. Afterwards, the President had lunch with Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson. Later, the President met with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.
This afternoon, First Lady Melania Trump will participate in the Christmas Tree Presentation at the White House. The tree will be displayed in the Blue Room and will be presented by the National Christmas Tree Association.
Tomorrow, President Trump will participate in the Presentation of the National Thanksgiving Turkey.
Please be interested in humanitarian crimes in Japan (sued to ICC)
I am sending everyday to President Trump and the world media.