To everyone in the world's media

2021-12-15: Dear Sir [India provides a common "(supply chain)
and" (B to B) (B to C) system to "special zones of the world".
And India will build a "special zone" in India that specializes in the information industry. ]
India's "information processing technology" is at the highest level in the world.
India provides a common package for special zones of the world.
Supply chain (IPP-SC). [B TO B] (IPP-BtoB). It is (IPP-BtoC] of "B To C".
India's weaknesses are the [B TO B] and "B To C" platforms.
By providing a common "platform" in the "special zones" of the world,
it will be a stronger site than Chinese companies.
"Rivals" are Chinese companies.
"Companies in member countries" can sell directly to "companies and consumers around the world".
In "development of information system",
India should build a "special zone" in the country.
Companies in "special zones" can safely develop "software" in India.
I think India should aim to be a "software factory in the world".
For that purpose, the best security capability in the world is required.
Companies in member countries participating
in the "special zone" of the world obtain quality
and manufacturing cost comparable to Chinese products by manufacturing in the "special zone".
Companies in member countries can concentrate on product development.
Product development should be done
within the member countries so that the technology is not stolen by China.
If the company of "freedom and democracy" is "one company",
it cannot win even if it competes with the "Chinese company" of "socialist free economy".
Enterprises in a "nation of freedom and democracy" should compete with Chinese enterprises
in "cooperation" and "jointness".
In the market economy, consumers should choose products based on quality
and price. Instead of "eliminating" Chinese companies with tariffs,
we should compete for quality and price.
Workers in developed countries should concentrate on product development
and manufacturing of advanced materials and components.
The construction of special zones strengthens the economy of freedom and democracies.
And you can "eliminate" the "refugees of the world".
If poverty disappears, the "probability" of obtaining "peace" will increase.
Leaders of the world of freedom and democracy should "perform" the construction of "special zones".
Part 1. more than doubled transaction value in the first half of 2021, an inter-company cross-border EC site operated by Alibaba Group,
a major Chinese e-commerce (EC) company, recently announced the "New Foreign Trade Index"
that summarizes import and export trends on the site, and the first half (1 ~).
In June), it was revealed that the transaction amount was 2.1 times
that of the same period of the previous year.
The transaction value of the site has continued to grow by three digits since last year.
According to's President Zhang Kuo,
who is also the Vice President of Alibaba Group,
the global economy continued to recover
and overseas demand increased as the infection situation of the new coronavirus gradually eased.
It was
I will write tomorrow, too.
The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states
that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.
Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".
It is a false charge.
However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.
See below for the indictment. (Japanese)
See below for the indictment. (English translation)
Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes
of support for immigration law violations" in 2010
Part 3 Construction of a special zone.
"Special zone of Algeria" by "EU", "Special zone of Mexico border"
by the United States, "Special zone of Australia" by the new TPP (IPP),
"Special zone of Okinawa" of Japan ....
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."
They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".
Developed countries can “manufacture” “cheap” than Chinese products
by “employing” “provisional immigrants”.
English, Japanese, French, German
Very truly yours.
Yasuhiro Nagan
Allies should unite "economy and security"!
The greatest security is to beat Chinese products. To do so,
"immigrants and refugees" should be accepted as "provisional immigrants" in "special zones".
"Temporary immigrants" are restricted to living in "special zones".
"Temporary immigrants" are "low-wage workers" that are cheaper than "Chinese workers".
However, it is "income of grace" for "they" who do not have a job.
This allows us to bring to market cheaper products than Chinese products.
"Mainland workers" become "high wages" by working separately from "provisional immigrants".
The world should trade according to the rules of the market economy.
We should help "poor, migrants, refugees" and become rich.
You should build "Algeri's Special Zone",
"Mexico Border Special Zone" and "Australia's Special Zone".
Economic activity should be "returned to normal" even under the "new corona"!
Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!
"SARS virus" has disappeared by "quarantine and treatment" of infected people.
"PCR test" takes time. We should develop an "inspection system"
that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.
In certain places tested, "non-infected" can return to "normal life" without a mask!
It should be developed jointly by each country within a year.
The "nation of freedom and democracy" should be revived!
See daily posts for details. Or contact us!
Yasuhiro Nagano
If you have any questions, please contact us!