To everyone in the world's media

2021-12-20: Dear Sir, "Special Zone" is an "economic siege" for "China".
It is a cooperative to make "winning products" over "Chinese products" by hiring refugees. ]
A "special zone" is not a "customs union" like the "TPP".
The main "special zone" is the "special zone of Algeria" operated by the "EU".
"Special zone on the Mexican border" operated by "US and Israel".
There is an "Australian Special Zone" operated by "UK, India, etc."
The "special zone" that builds an economic system
that is competitive with the "US economic sanctions" is the "special zone of North Korea."
"Russia's Special Zone" by "Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)".
There is a "special zone" in Iran.
And there is a "special zone" of "Iranian refugees".
The "special zone" of "Iran" works with the "EU".
"North Korea's special zone" and "Russia's common zone" do not "cooperate"
with other special zones.
To solve the Palestinian problem,
Israel will jointly operate a "special zone on the Mexican border" with the United States.
"Palestine" will build a "special zone (industrial zone) in Palestine".
Palestinian refugees are "led" by the United Kingdom and sent to "Australian Special Zones".
Japan is more "non-human rights nation" than China.
Therefore, you cannot participate in other "special zones".
Since Japan has the same Confucian culture as China,
Japan is a "mysterious country" where the military is an "allied ally of the United States"
and the economy is an "allied ally of China."
Japan should build an "Okinawa's special zone" "alone".
The "special zone" accepts "refugees and poor people" as "provisional immigrants".
"Temporary immigrants" are restricted to living in "special zones".
"Temporary immigrants" are hired at lower wages than Chinese workers.
"Temporary immigrants" will be accepted as "regular immigrants"
of "member countries" after a certain period of time.
The "relief" of "refugees and the poor" is the "mission" of developed countries.
The policy of confining "refugees" in "refugee camps" should be stopped.
Refugees should be given jobs to be financially “self-reliant”.
"Temporary immigrants" are premised on living with their families in "special zones".
"Special Zone Unions" will be established in each region.
And the "special zones" of the world "cooperate".
The "nation of freedom and democracy" should "cooperate" to create products
that can beat Chinese products in "special zones".
In member countries, we develop products and manufacture high value-added materials and parts.
Workers in member countries can make high incomes with it.
Because they do not compete with "provisional immigrants."
Part 1. One in five refugees in the world is a Palestinian refugee
In 1948, the First Middle East War broke out following the declaration of the founding of Israel.
More than 200 villages have been destroyed
and more than 700,000 Palestinians have lost their homes and homes.
This is called "Nakuba" (catastrophe) in Palestine.
The Palestinian people who fled to neighboring countries have lived as refugees for 70 years,
longing for a "return to their hometown".
The number of refugees,
which was initially 700,000, has grown to the third and fourth generations at the evacuation site,
and now it has reached about 5.6 million,
making it the largest refugee group in the world.
According to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees),
the total number of refugees in the world is about 25.9 million,
one in five is a Palestinian refugee.
I will write tomorrow, too.
The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states
that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.
Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".
It is a false charge.
However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.
See below for the indictment. (Japanese)
See below for the indictment. (English translation)
Part 2 Please see the following for the "false charges" of "crimes
of support for immigration law violations" in 2010
Part 3 Construction of a special zone.
"Special zone of Algeria" by "EU", "Special zone of Mexico border"
by the United States, "Special zone of Australia" by the new TPP (IPP),
"Special zone of Okinawa" of Japan ....
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."
They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".
Developed countries can “manufacture” “cheap” than Chinese products
by “employing” “provisional immigrants”.
English, Japanese, French, German
Very truly yours.
Yasuhiro Nagano

Allies should unite "economy and security"!
The greatest security is to beat Chinese products. To do so,
"immigrants and refugees" should be accepted as "provisional immigrants" in "special zones".
"Temporary immigrants" are restricted to living in "special zones".
"Temporary immigrants" are "low-wage workers" that are cheaper than "Chinese workers".
However, it is "income of grace" for "they" who do not have a job.
This allows us to bring to market cheaper products than Chinese products.
"Mainland workers" become "high wages" by working separately from "provisional immigrants".
The world should trade according to the rules of the market economy.
We should help "poor, migrants, refugees" and become rich.
You should build "Algeri's Special Zone",
"Mexico Border Special Zone" and "Australia's Special Zone".
Economic activity should be "returned to normal" even under the "new corona"!
Will I continue to receive the corona vaccine two or three times a year? Crazy!
"SARS virus" has disappeared by "quarantine and treatment" of infected people.
"PCR test" takes time. We should develop an "inspection system"
that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.
In certain places tested, "non-infected" can return to "normal life" without a mask!
It should be developed jointly by each country within a year.
The "nation of freedom and democracy" should be revived!
See daily posts for details. Or contact us!
Yasuhiro Nagano
If you have any questions, please contact us!