Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion
May 20, 2023: Saturday Edition. Greetings, #Tritium #Requisitioned_workers #Second_class_citizens
Following the Japan-South Korea summit meeting, a South Korean civic group held a press conference in ``Korea where domestic evaluation is divided'' and criticized Presi-dent Yoon's ``diplomatic stance'' as ``one-sided diplomacy that only gives.'' It is natural because there is no apology from Japan.
On the other hand, Tsutomu Nishioka of the Liberal Democratic Party and others praised Prime Minister Kishida's diplomacy, saying that ``holding to the principle of not apolo-gizing is the path to friendship between Japan and South Korea.''
"Japanese" "think" of "Koreans" like "beggars". crazy!
Regarding the decision to dispatch a South Korean inspection team over the "discharge of treated water" at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, it is nothing more than "creating a just cause for Japan." South Korea "strengthened" the "criticism" that it was "just being used." Koreans are ignorant about this.
If Korean technology can remove tritium, we should export the technology to remove trit-ium to Japan. However, South Korea also discharges tritium into the sea. crazy.
Tritium is a member of the hydrogen family (tritium) and occurs naturally every day. Therefore, it is contained in tap water, rainwater, and our bodies, and is a "radioactive material that exists widely in the natural world."
Tritium is released into the ocean from many nuclear facilities around the world, but no effects have been found around the facilities that are attributed to tritium. This is science.
Tritium cannot be removed with current technology. Therefore, countries around the world are releasing radioactive material tritium into the ocean and atmosphere from their own nuclear facilities.
In 2016, the Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant, South Korea's main nuclear power plant, released approximately 17 trillion becquerels in liquid and 119 trillion becquerels in gas, totaling approximately 136 trillion becquerels (becquerel is a unit that indicates the strength and amount of radioactivity).
Similarly, France's La Hague reprocessing plant released a total of approximately 13,778 trillion becquerels into the ocean and atmosphere in 2015.
All of the emissions are based on the regulatory standards of each country, and no sig-nificant impact on the human body or the environment has been confirmed in the vicinity of the facility.
I can understand the anger of Korean citizens over the issue of forced labor. However, the "discharge of treated water" at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is the same as exposing the "ignorance of Koreans." If you insist, you should stop nuclear pow-er plants in South Korea.
The issue of forced labor is a human rights issue. The “governments of Japan and South Korea” are not qualified to make individuals “abandon human rights violations.”
Japanese companies should apologize for "hiring" Koreans as "second-class citizens."
It is a "human rights issue" that Koreans were illegally punished in Japan for "activities outside the status of qualification". Koreans do not question the human rights violations of "tens of thousands of Koreans." In this case, he is not qualified to pursue the "requisi-tioned labor issue."
South Korea has said that it will hold a grudge against Japan for 1,000 years. South Ko-rea should be on good terms with North Korea rather than with Japan. Rather than pre-paring for war with North Korea, we should stop the “US-South Korea joint military exer-cises.”
East and West Germany were unified. North and South Vietnam were unified. Only North and South Korea remain. North Korea protects the country from the United States with the “Korean soul”. Koreans should understand North Korea.
Part One. Citations/references
``One-way diplomacy'' Civic groups criticize President Yoon after Japan-South Korea summit meeting
Kishida's evaluation of diplomacy ``The path to Japan-South Korea friendship is to ad-here to the principle of not apologizing''
What is tritium?
Tritium is also released overseas South Korea's nuclear power plants are worth 136 tril-lion a year Reprocessing facilities are worth 1.3 trillion
I will write tomorrow too.
"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on March 4, 2023.
Part 2. Victims of human rights violations in Japan. "Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc."
There are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.
There are "innumerable" Chinese and Korean victims.
This was "before the war of WW2" because the Chinese and Koreans were "second-class citizens" of Japan, so the judiciary makes them "idiots".
Everyone, please tell your acquaintances who went to Japan and were arrested for violating the Immigration Law.
It is necessary to demand "governments of each country" to "claim" the Japanese government for "restoration of honor and compensation for damages".
If the government doesn't respond, ask the media for help. "Justice media" will always exist.
You should be a "hero", go for it! !
<Target people>
"1" Provide "false documents" to a foreigner, and the foreigner acquires a "status of residence". And if the foreigner has "illegally worked".
A person who provides "false documents" such as an "employment contract" to a foreigner is innocent.
However, from January 2017, it will be punished by "law revision".
The Chinese and the Philippine embassy staff and diplomats I am 'criminally indicting' are completely innocent. See part 2 for weekdays (Monday to Friday) for details.
``2'' Foreign nationals who have been arrested for ``illegal employment (activities outside of their qualifications'') are ``in most cases'' innocent.***
Reason: The person who "employed" them has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by virtue of "equality under the law," foreigners are innocent.
"Most foreigners" are "deported" with "small" "fines". Foreigners should "claim" the Japanese government for "compensation" of "several million yen" per person.
It is crazy for Koreans to "claim compensation" from the Japanese government for the "comfort women issue" and "requisitioned labor issue." They should claim reparations from the "Korean government". (The Korean government has already received it).
The issue of "violation of the Immigration Control Act" is completely different from the "Japan-Korea Treaty". Therefore, Korean politicians need to "pursue" the Japanese government as a "new Japan-Korea problem". Koreans and Chinese should proudly claim that they are not "Japanese slaves."
Japan's prime minister shouts "rule under the law". They are "talking about Japan" crazy!
Only two countries, South Korea and the United States, have concluded an extradition treaty with Japan.
This is also evidence that Japan does not have a "rule under the law".
See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)
"My Appeal" (Japanese)
"My Appeal" (English)
I am "Japanese samurai". Japan should be "friends" with people of any country. "NO War"
Part 3. Construction of special zones.
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/
Part 4. Ukraine war.
Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/
Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show
To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//
Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations
Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/
Part 7. Corona sensor development
We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.
Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense
Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles
Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues
Best regards.
Yasuhiro Nagano
Daily posts are published in the following program.
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