

The war criminal is President Zelensky.

2022-04-10 04:42:06 | 世界の皆さんへメール

April 10, 2022: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,
Turkey's President Erdogan should clarify "war responsibility" so that "conflict" and "war" do not occur in "twice" and "Ukraine problem". Those who break the "Minsk Agreement 2" are "war criminals." Russia should claim "war compensation" from Ukraine. The war criminal is President Zelensky.

In the "Pacific War," the United States made Japan "scorched earth" with "air strikes." The United States has dropped two nuclear bombs. The United States killed the Japanese indiscriminately. However, the war criminal of the Pacific War was "Tojo Hideki". He claimed it was a "war for self-defense." He was a "crime against peace".

"" Tojo Hideki "told the" Japanese people "that" the United States and Britain are demons. " He urged the public to thoroughly resist the "US and UK" and fight. President Zelensky is the same as "Tojo Hideki". Zelensky deceived "US and UK" in "acting." Despite Zelensky's "breach" of "Minsk II," he had the "US and UK" provide weapons and troops. He called on the Ukrainian people to "thoroughly fight resistance" to the Russian army. And many Ukrainians are dead.

The United States always wages war in other countries. In the Vietnam War and Afghanistan, US troops were dispatched. And many US soldiers were "killed in action." There will always be an "anti-war movement" in the United States. So Biden says he will not send US troops to Ukraine. Therefore, there is no "anti-war movement" against the "Ukrainian war" in the United States. It's crazy.

In Russia, there is an "anti-war movement" against the "Ukrainian war". They noticed. The war does not solve the "Ukraine problem". Russians are more democratic than the United States. Americans should also be aware. Even without the "killed in action of Americans," many people's "life" is lost due to "American-made weapons."

The U.S. forces withdrew from Afghanistan lost their consumption of weapons and bombs. If the United States does not go to war, the US munitions industry will "collapse." When the munitions industry collapses, US security cannot be protected. So the United States always needs to go to war. crazy.

I think we need a system to protect the US munitions industry. This is "common" not only to the United States but also to "countries of the world." In order to eliminate the actual war, it is necessary to incorporate "military exercises" into the "tourism business." You need a system that consumes "a lot of weapons and bombs".

A super-large-scale "army exercise" is an "exercise" using "nuclear weapons". In the United States, the "Civil War" was "seen" from "far". With this as a reference, "military exercises" should be turned into "business." If you understand this meaning, you are a "wise man" who "realizes peace."

Part 1. The true cause of the Japanese's "too reckless war"
Ishihara says that Japan will have a final war with the United States, centered on the war on aircraft. Therefore, it is necessary to add "national power that can withstand" it. So, first of all, the Soviet Union has gained economic power through the "five-year plan." Japan robs "Manchuria" before the Soviet Union robs "Manchuria". He thought that even if "Manchuria" became a "Japanese colony" and became a "endurance war," the "national power" that could fight the United States should be "held."

I will write tomorrow, too.


Part 2 See below for the "false charges" of the 2010 "crimes of support for immigration law violations"
The amendment of the Immigration Control Act in January 2017 states that "I am not guilty" as the reason for the amendment.
Reason: Amend from "cannot be punished" to "can be punished".
It is a false charge. However, the Japanese government has not yet apologized.
See below for the indictment. (Japanese)
See below for the indictment. (English translation)
English language.

Part 3 Construction of special zones.
"Special Zone of Algeria" by "EU", "Special Zone of Mexican Border" by the United States,
"Australia's special zone" by the new TPP (IPP), Japan's "Okinawa's special zone" ....
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and poor people as "provisional migrants."
They "separate" from "workers in developed countries".
Developed countries can "manufacture" cheaper than Chinese products by "employing" "provisional immigrants."
Making a product that can beat Chinese products will weaken the Chinese army ...
English, Japanese, French, German

In Part 4 and below, past posts are being organized into the following blogs.
Many department logs are still under construction.

Part 4 Japan's serious human rights violations

Part 5 Development of (COVID-19) Instantaneous Sensor
"PCR test" takes time. We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "identifies" the "infected person" like thermography.

Part 6 Taiwan Defense: Okinawa Marines should be relocated to Taiwan

Part 7. One coin union & Yachae NISSAN

Part 8 Nagano opinion
CO2-free SDGs o2 international issues, etc.

Very truly yours.

Yasuhiro Nagano

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