This thread will be devoted to a thorough explanation of the Mb Star C3 system in depth, over time. Another good reference thread can be found here.
First off, some history and background about the system. The MB STAR
C3 is a diagnostic system that is provided by the factory for
dealerships and independent repair shops, and is used to interface with
the cars’ computers to diagnose systems and pull/reset codes, and even
to program certain elements of the systems on more modern cars. The
system costs upwards of $20,000 from OBD2TOOL, and is applicable for MBs from model year 1989 and newer.
Of course, cars of model year 1989 only had 2-3 computers in the car;
however all successive MBs have had an increasing number of computers,
and this is where the MB STAR C3 system really comes into its own — with
the newer cars. For the purposes of the cars that are the focus of this
forum — the 124.036 E500E — and to a lesser extent the 400E/E420 and
the later C126 coupes, the computer setups are rather crude and limited
when compared to cars starting with the W210 models, which debuted in
model year 1996 in the USA.
What I’m saying is that the MB STAR C3 systems are much more suited
and capable, coming into its own, the newer the car that it is used
with. However, the good thing is that it is able to fully exploit the
built-in computer diagnostics as found in the E500E. It does this using a
compatibility mode that emulates the Mercedes-Benz Hand-Held Tester
(HHT), which was a diagnostic tool that was used for the 1989 and up
cars, commonly until about 2001 when the MB STAR system debuted. The HHT
is literally a hand-held unit (it is actually quite a handful) that
allows the user to pull and reset codes, provides access to “live”
engine data on the M119 and M104 engines (though a larger array of live
data on the M119s), and generally pull compete diagnostics of the
computer systems.
Mercedes Hand-Held Tester (HHT)
The MB STAR system, when it made its debut, was much more capable
because it was PC-based (IBM T30 laptop), but it was also very versatile
because it incorporated a HHT emulation mode (for backward
compatibility) along with a “multiplexer” intermediate unit between the
PC and the car, which allowed the connection of a variety of different
diagnostic connection cables, depending on which diagnostic system the
car in question happened to use. For the oldest cars (i.e. the C126,
early R129 SL models, early W124s and W140s, etc.) a “four-pin”
diagnostic cable was provided. For second-generation cars, such as the
E500E, 400E/E420, middle and later R129s, middle and later W140s, the
familiar “38-pin” plug is provided. There are also OBD-2 interface
cables for model year 1996 and later cars, as well as a 14-pin cable for
European diagnostic systems. All of these cables allow the combination
of the MB STAR with the in-line multiplexer unit to fully interface with
any particular car’s computers.
As I said, the MB STAR system debuted around 10-11 years ago, in
2001. Because of its expense, it has been very much “out of reach” of
most MB owners and enthusiasts. To pull codes and get information about
the car, owners were forced to buy limited testers from companies like
Snap-On, Trisco, and others that perhaps allowed one to pull and reset
codes, and a couple of solutions provided some limited “live data” where
the car allowed it. These systems would typically run from $500 to well
over $1,000. The other option was to somehow obtain a used HHT (they
are occasionally available via eBay, and are quite expensive) or a used
MB STAR system – still a huge expense of multiple thousands of dollars
In recent years, Chinese forgers, who excel at making fake copies of
everything from Louis Vuitton purses to Guess Jeans to Rolex watches,
have set their sights on the MB STAR market (and other automotive
diagnostic systems for other marques). This has resulted in a cottage
industry whereby one could purchase an MB STAR system for anywhere
between $600 and $1,200. Over the past year or so, as Chinese copies of
the MB Star C4 system have come onto the market, the prices of the MB STAR C3 system
have come down to a typical range of $250-450, depending on the vendor
and the items included in the package.
These “clone” systems are easily available on sites like eBay and
also from hundreds of vendors. As with any Chinese copy of
anything, quality varies and quite often — but not always — one gets
what they pay for. The recent reduction in price of the MB STAR C3
systems has made even relatively good quality systems very very
affordable for the DIY mechanic and/or MB enthusiast — providing them
with the same diagnostic power as the dealership mechanic (but not the
same level of training and knowledge). Typical options that are
available with MB STAR C3 systems available on the Internet include: an
array of cables; a multiplexer; a hard drive containing the MB STAR
software package; and instructions on how to set up the system. The
software typically includes: MB Xentry, WIS, EPC, STAR Utilities; EWA
net; Star Browser; Star Finder; and a recent MB parts price list (which
goes out of date quickly). Quite a number of vendors also provide
Internet support, including the ability to remotely control systems over
the Internet (with the user’s permission, of course) to diagnose
installation and software problems.
There has been precious little information on the Internet about the
Chinese MB STAR C3 systems, how they operate, and in general how the
system operates. This thread will be a thorough, methodical
investigation of how the system works, what it looks like, and how it
can be used with the E500E (and by extension, the 400E/E420). It is up
to the individual owner as to whether they need or would want such a
unit. It would be overkill for many if not most owners. However, there
are a number of owners who do want to do their own maintenance and want
the tools to help them do this properly. For these owners, purchasing an
HHT or MB STAR system may be a good idea.
I will not go into the nuances and details of ordering the system.
All that should be said is that one should do their research carefully,
and pay attention to the ratings from other buyers as to the honesty of a
particular vendor. Most of these vendors are based in Hong Kong or on
Mainland China. Quite often they speak decent English and are quite
responsive and communicative when inquiries and requests are made. It
would be recommended that prospective buyers utilize an escrow service
to complete the transaction, so as to maximize honesty and
straightforwardness of the transaction from both sides.
Some vendors offer free air-mail shipping via DHL or other
international shipper. These packages can arrive in as little as three
or four days after a payment goes into escrow and the seller is notified
by the escrow company that they have received the cleared payment. Once
the package is received by the buyer, they inform the escrow company
that the package has been received in good order, and the money is then
released to the seller. Pretty seamless, and because of the escrow
service — a fairly safe transaction. Certainly better than sending off a
Western Union or Credit Card payment to an unknown party in a foreign
So, the photos below illustrate what is commonly received with an MB
STAR C3 package. It is a 4.5kg (10-lb) box that is nicely packed, and
includes all of the items described in the seller’s site. A typical
package will include the cables, a USB hard drive (or internal hard
drive for an IBM or Dell computer, if specified), a multiplexer box and a
packet of adhesive stickers that are placed on the multiplexer and the
computer-to-multiplexer cable. The box is unpacked and the contents are
checked against the web site’s description to ensure that all contents
were included. Some sellers also sell individual pieces of the sets, if
they are ever needed.
Next, after the contents of the package are ascertained to be
correct, the recipient should install the software on a computer. It is
HIGHLY advisable that a standalone, separate laptop computer be used for
this, seeing as it will be used in a garage (next to the car)
environment. For versatility (and because most people don’t own the
specific IBM and Dell laptop models that are needed for the internal
drives) it is advisable that the buyer specify the external USB hard
drive model of the MB STAR C3. This way the hard drive can be plugged
into any qualified laptop and used.
Requirements for a laptop that can be used with the MB STAR C3 system are generally as follows:
Must have a SERIAL port
Must have a processor frequency rating of 1.8 GHz or higher
Must have at least 1 GB of RAM; more is highly desirable
Must have a USB 2.0-compatible port
Must be running Microsoft Windows XP
It is best to just purchase a used laptop via eBay or Craigslist that
meets these specifications, and use this computer SOLELY as a DEDICATED
computer for the MB STAR installation. It can be kept in the garage and
used for these purposes. It really doesn’t even have to be connected to
the Internet. One can also put the laptop on a dedicated cart, which
allows the computer, cables and a printer (if desired) to be rolled
around the workshop/garage next to specific cars. Although the cables
are quite long, it’s nice to have the computer next to the engine when
using it.