箱の中で寛ぐねこ。-Maru is relaxed in a box.- 2015-12-24 11:24:49 | Weblog 箱の中で寛ぐねこ。-Maru is relaxed in a box.-
かくれんぼなねこ。-Hide and seek play with Maru.- 2015-12-24 11:18:29 | Weblog かくれんぼなねこ。-Hide and seek play with Maru.-
赤い靴下とねこ。-A christmas stockings and Maru.- 2015-12-24 11:15:10 | Weblog 赤い靴下とねこ。-A christmas stockings and Maru.-
青空と猫草とねこ。-Blue sky and cat grass and Maru.- 2015-12-24 11:11:04 | Weblog 青空と猫草とねこ。-Blue sky and cat grass and Maru.-