Enchanted Serendipity

Love generously, praise loudly, live fully.


2012-06-04 | tweet
09:51 from Twitter for iPhone

09:51 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @mutekatsuchida
@mutekatsuchida よかったよかった

09:53 from Twitter for iPhone
@chaamei おめでとう!!!!

12:35 from foursquare
I'm at 今井 (大阪市中央区, 大阪府) 4sq.com/LaAtNw

22:08 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @hana_0421
@hana_0421 :)

by xoKanaJane on Twitter


2012-06-03 | tweet
17:05 from Twitter for iPhone

by xoKanaJane on Twitter


2012-06-02 | tweet
00:36 from Tumblr
Photo: “Queen of Heart” tea (Taken with instagram) tmblr.co/ZBZJ2yMUM9-z

14:41 from Twitter for iPhone
Happy June!

by xoKanaJane on Twitter


2012-06-01 | tweet
06:09 from Twitter for iPhone
Good morning. Last day! Yup, I am walking forward.

06:25 from Twitter for iPhone
Have been waking up at 5am for work. Those days will be over but perhaps its good to keep being early bird.

06:26 RT from Twitter for iPhone  [ 3 RT ]
June 10, baby! Clear your calendar. RT @krisjausWhen are @theTonyAwards this year?
Broadway Girl NYCさんのツイート

06:27 RT from Twitter for iPhone  [ 14 RT ]
Takuya Kitagawaさんのツイート

19:06 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @MarinalovesU
@MarinalovesU 私も麻酔最終日だったー

19:38 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @ChesterGregory
@ChesterGregory hmmmm, I don't think I can see your Eddie again...You'll get a new role before I go back to the city next.

19:39 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @wakanyancyu
@wakanyancyu どっちのスノーホワイト?

19:44 from Twitter for iPhone
Why do I have to take care of my classmate's attendance even after we graduated school? We're in grad school. Have a responsibility.

19:55 from foursquare
I just unlocked the "Adventurer" badge on @foursquare for checking in to ten different places! 4sq.com/KeTEbf

19:55 from foursquare
I'm at パスタハウス AWキッチン 新丸ビル店 4sq.com/KeTEIp

23:20 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @wakanyancyu
@wakanyancyu ミラーミラーも白雪姫だったから。

23:20 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @MarinalovesU
@MarinalovesU がんばって!

by xoKanaJane on Twitter


2012-05-30 | tweet
06:54 from Twitter for iPhone

by xoKanaJane on Twitter