00:48 from Tumblr
Photo: tmblr.co/ZBZJ2yFB0Qhk
00:52 from Tumblr
Photo: g-rass: I want these books to decorate my room. tmblr.co/ZBZJ2yFB17Qy
06:49 from Twitter for iPhone
Had a great afternoon and night yesterday.My friends made me happy :)
06:52 from Twitter for iPhone
However, woke up w/ headache and nausea. Seem I don't wanna go to work.I have to go through this. Trying to be strong.
07:26 from web
It's time to get dressed...Seeking for God's intention.
08:34 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @hana_0421)
@hana_0421 なぜだ??ALIVEツイッター作ろうよ!
08:35 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @evan_avery)
@evan_avery Enjoy!
18:14 RT from Twitter for iPhone
病院プロジェクトALIVEツイッターはじめました?Follow ME!!
18:14 from Twitter for iPhone
RT @hosproALIVE: We are #HospitalProjectAlive!!!Follow us :)
18:16 RT from Twitter for iPhone
We are #HospitalProjectALIVE!!!Please follow us and let's make kids HAPPY together :)
23:05 from Tumblr
Photo: Ladurée | Cadeaux _ Événements Prestige on We Heart It. weheartit.com/entry/9820308 MY DREAM... tmblr.co/ZBZJ2yFEQxGt
by Kana_Jane on Twitter
Photo: tmblr.co/ZBZJ2yFB0Qhk
00:52 from Tumblr
Photo: g-rass: I want these books to decorate my room. tmblr.co/ZBZJ2yFB17Qy
06:49 from Twitter for iPhone
Had a great afternoon and night yesterday.My friends made me happy :)
06:52 from Twitter for iPhone
However, woke up w/ headache and nausea. Seem I don't wanna go to work.I have to go through this. Trying to be strong.
07:26 from web
It's time to get dressed...Seeking for God's intention.
08:34 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @hana_0421)
@hana_0421 なぜだ??ALIVEツイッター作ろうよ!
08:35 from Twitter for iPhone (Re: @evan_avery)
@evan_avery Enjoy!
18:14 RT from Twitter for iPhone
病院プロジェクトALIVEツイッターはじめました?Follow ME!!
18:14 from Twitter for iPhone
RT @hosproALIVE: We are #HospitalProjectAlive!!!Follow us :)
18:16 RT from Twitter for iPhone
We are #HospitalProjectALIVE!!!Please follow us and let's make kids HAPPY together :)
23:05 from Tumblr
Photo: Ladurée | Cadeaux _ Événements Prestige on We Heart It. weheartit.com/entry/9820308 MY DREAM... tmblr.co/ZBZJ2yFEQxGt
by Kana_Jane on Twitter