Enchanted Serendipity

Love generously, praise loudly, live fully.


2011-01-01 | tweet
06:50 from Twitter for iPhone
Good Morning!
Last day of 2010.
12:23 from Twitter for iPhone
I am the one of the happiest girl in the world. Best family and best friends.
They are too good for me.
Honored to know them all :)
12:52 from Twitter for iPhone

18:23 from Twitter for iPhone
18:30 from Twitter for iPhone
2010 was best and worst year I've ever had.
Anyway it was special and unforgettable and necessary.
19:27 from Twitter for iPhone
19:48 from Twitter for iPhone
Tonight must be one of the most exciting night this year!
Countdown Parade at Tokyo Disneeeeyyyyy!! Woot Woot!!
by DreamerInPink on Twitter
