06:50 from Twitter for iPhone
Good Morning!
Last day of 2010.
12:23 from Twitter for iPhone
I am the one of the happiest girl in the world. Best family and best friends.
They are too good for me.
Honored to know them all :)
12:52 from Twitter for iPhone

18:23 from Twitter for iPhone
18:30 from Twitter for iPhone
2010 was best and worst year I've ever had.
Anyway it was special and unforgettable and necessary.
19:27 from Twitter for iPhone
19:48 from Twitter for iPhone
Tonight must be one of the most exciting night this year!
Countdown Parade at Tokyo Disneeeeyyyyy!! Woot Woot!!
by DreamerInPink on Twitter
Good Morning!
Last day of 2010.
12:23 from Twitter for iPhone
I am the one of the happiest girl in the world. Best family and best friends.
They are too good for me.
Honored to know them all :)
12:52 from Twitter for iPhone

18:23 from Twitter for iPhone
18:30 from Twitter for iPhone
2010 was best and worst year I've ever had.
Anyway it was special and unforgettable and necessary.
19:27 from Twitter for iPhone
19:48 from Twitter for iPhone
Tonight must be one of the most exciting night this year!
Countdown Parade at Tokyo Disneeeeyyyyy!! Woot Woot!!
by DreamerInPink on Twitter