今日、何する? What will I do today?



2017年12月21日 15時34分53秒 | 会社経営





①  Probationary Employee -An employee who is hired after complying with the pre-employment requirements and is made to undergo the required probationary employment period of not more than six (6) months to determine his/her capability to meet the Company standard regularization.

②  Regular Employee -An employee who has satisfactory completed the required probationary employment period at least six (6) months and has met the Company standards for regularization involving, among other things, job productivity, job knowledge, work attitude and faithful adherence to the Company rules and regulations.

③ Internship Employee - An employee who is hired in accordance with the Company’s Internship program. The period of employment shall be for a not more than six (6) months and updating in every month.

どう社員を管理するか? マニラのフィリピン人の管理をしっかり行う必要があります。



出勤規程 欠勤、病欠、遅刻、早退、タイムカード 


Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is essential to the Company’s efficient operation and is a necessary condition of employment. When employees are absent, schedules and customer commitments fall behind, and other employees must assume added workloads.

Employees are expected to arrive at work before they are scheduled to start and be at their work station productively by the scheduled start and end time.

All time off must be requested in advance and submitted in writing, as outlined in the appropriate categories with the exception of sick leave.

If it is tardiness (Impossible to report for work as scheduled), employees must contact their supervisor/manager/Human Resources department (hereinafter referred to as “HR”) before their starting time. It becomes unapproved tardiness when there is no report before the commencement of work.

All the absence is the employee must notify their supervisor/manager/ HR on a daily basis unless otherwise arranged.

Report of absent is the responsibility of every employee who is absent.

Absence for three (3) consecutive work days without notifying the supervisor/manager/ HR is considered a voluntary resignation.

Absence -failure to report for work 
Any unscheduled absence of an employee disrupts the workflow in the office and unnecessarily increases the work load of the rest of the employees. Absence inflicts serious damage on a company.

Personal Absences are unexpected personal reasons/matters other than taking a break for vacation. Examples include: to attend son/daughter PTA meeting, reunion, and Ceremonial occasions. These correspond to a incentive leave. If you have an unconsumed incentive leave you must be consumed before the end of year.
Excess absences due to employee sickness, illness or death in the family are subject to disciplinary sanctions.

Tardiness - timing in later than the official time. Tardiness caused by events that prevent an employee to report for work on time such as big typhoons, and occurrence of other calamities as determined by the General Manager and/or Administrative Manager are excused. However, employees must contact their supervisor/manager/HR before their starting time.

Under time - leaving the place of work earlier than the official time schedule and/or to report for work after 8am and/or leave for work before 5pm.

It cannot be offset by overtime. Employees must contact their supervisor/manager/HR and need approved from General Manager and/or Administrative Manager.
Leave without pay -occurs when a permanent employee has consumed all his/her leave entitlement within the earned period of leave benefit.

Time Card and the Attendance System

This policy applies to the use Time card puncher, Time record sheet or biometrics for the automated electronic attendance system.

The Daily Time Record (DTR) is the basis for attendance records, payroll computations, and leave entitlement.

Employees are required to time in before starting work at 8:00 AM or other agreed upon start of work hours.

When regular working time (8am-5pm) will be change, employees have to report it before day HR and must be approved beforehand from General Manager and/or Administrative Manager.
Employees are required to register their start of work and end of the day.

It is the responsibility of the employee to notify his or her General Manager and/or Administrative Manager, which they have, for some reason, forgotten to swipe/punch in. A Time Card Entry Correction must be filled out with a written apology including a reason to submit to the Time Keeper of HR Department.

It is corrected on condition of a General Manager and/or Administrative Manager permission.

Tardiness deductions will apply whether excused and the computation of which is as follows: