仁木田株式会社 Nikita Co., Ltd.

居宅介護支援事業  トータルサポート太陽
障がい者就労継続支援事業A型B型 太陽工房
有料老人ホーム 太陽

ピアサポート Peer Support

2015-07-16 11:26:17 | 障がい者就労支援事業








Do you know the word of “Peer Support”? Peer means “friends” or “equality”. Peer support is to help each other and to have relation with peers (friends). For example, accept the fear and the pain of auditory hallucination or the state of depression by hearing it and sympathizing it (peer counseling) are included. Peer support has been done normally at some of the party meetings I belong to. It turned into precious co-support with friends by expressing oneself, talking and sharing feelings that peers can understand. Peer support is not very special thing. However, I feel the peer support that is held by the party meetings and the one that is held as a work at disability employment support facility are different. At the party meetings, it focuses on independence, but it requires specialized relation that is based on ethics with responsibility as a worker. Even though one side is a specialized worker, happiness of sharing the feelings that friends experienced same kind of things never change. I think I can peer support them as much as I can as a friend and a worker. You are not alone if you have even if it is only one friend who cries with you when you are crying from sadness. How you can feel strong if it is not only by yourself. You will see the new relation with friends, if you build relationship that can co-support.
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