仁木田株式会社 Nikita Co., Ltd.

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森永製菓さんへ届け! I Hope Reach My Feelings to Morinaga Co., Ltd.

2019-04-12 10:58:43 | 就労継続支援B型

ゆく末の夢と希望は、森永製菓さんのチョコレート"Carre de chocolat カカオ70"とのコラボで、こうして売りたい!

本日は 自費出版製作本
「ひとかけの -日常の中、小さな感動を-」
私こと 著者:洩花(もか) 定価税込1,300円
《スマートレター(ポスト投函¥180円)にて お届け致します。》


この本、約120編を載せたページの数 約6年、私の分身でもある「心の声として」綴り続けていたポエムを、昨秋 1冊の本に!、これまで長年の夢でもあった詩集と致しました。


その間、二次障害? 三次障害?となる股関節の痛みから始まり、49歳での入院と手術の中 母を亡くし、度重なる翌年には、30歳手前頃より手の痺れ他を患っていた頸髄症の悪化に伴い、基の障がいにある脳性麻痺を背に、後には引けない状況で頚椎を手術。

そしてこれまで、発売当初(2002年頃)から、何処へ行くにも 何をやるにも、ずっと一緒に私の側で今も支え続けてくれているのが、森永製菓さんのカレ・ド・ショコラにあるのです。

珈琲 お酒とまったりした時のお共に

私は、障がい的に生活する上におき、さまざまな場面に 身近な人達へ支援をお願いする事柄も多く、見た目にも包装の見合う質の良さから、そういう時の心地の良いコミュニケーションツールとしても一役買ってもらっています。

当時のことで、とても忘れられない病院内の出来事でしたが、患者さん他 同室の人やお世話になる先生方と職員さんへのちょっとしたお礼を込めてと、特に退院時にも沢山沢山役立ちました。

今回、詩集を作ろうと思った切っ掛けも、上質なパッケージとその当時のカカオ70 のほろ苦さに、"人生を掛ける"といったインスピレーションを抱けたことが私としてのモチーフです。





人 生


ほ ん の り







恐れ多いことですが、私が生まれてきた役目と役割りは これであるかな...と、最近 感じ思うところです。

* コメント欄は非公開です。
* 連絡先閲覧後は、速やかに削除致します。



長文 ここまで読んで頂き、ありがとうございました。


My dreams and hope are I want to sell collaborating with Morinaga Co., Ltd. as chocolate “Carre de chocolat ” cacao 70.”

Today, self-publishing book
“A piece of -In the daily life small movements-
Writer me myself name as Moca Price: 1,300 yen
(Send you using smart letter (180 yen).)

It is the introduction of the book.

Include 120 pages of poems, for about 6 years I’d been writing as my alter ego “My voices of my heart.” I put them on a book in the last fall! My longtime dream, I made a volume of poems.

Looking back with this book of my 6 years, everything changed quickly all the time, I’ve been writing them facing the opportunities coming to my life.

During those days, secondary lesion? Tertiary lesion? It started with the pain in the hip joint, and I was in a hospital and had a surgery when I was 49 years old, in the middle of the death of my mom, in the next year that cervical spinal cord disease got worse. Basically with the disease that I’ve been suffering from called cerebral palsy I can not go back to what I was before so I had a surgery of cervical. I never forget about the series of these events, I’ve never been defeated, it was so tough that I can not express with any word.

Plus, until now, from when the release year (around 2002) wherever I go, whatever I do Morinaga Co., Ltd.’s calle de chocolat has been helped me a lot. So I appreciate these chocolate series from the bottom of my heart.

Of course, this chocolate’s taste! Because of the elegant smell I eat for when I want to make myself inspired , for my retention of my condition, for sugar supply before and after the rehab, for with coffee or drinks, and I send it for the people who treated me well.

I beg for someone’s help often because of my disease, the look of it, I use it as a communication tool.

At that time, it was an event that I could not forget, other patients and the people in the same room, doctors, staff, for them as my appreciation, especially when I was leaving the hospital it worked so well.

At this time, what made me to make the volume of poems was the elegant packaging of cacao 70’s bittersweet taste, and it also made me to have the inspiration of “bet my life.”

And my experience of originality and ingenuity in my daily life’s excitement, the next time I would like to help someone one day.

The book was born with those of my feelings.

I would like introduce you the poem that I gave my doctor when I was leaving the hospital.

“A piece of…”
In the life
There is sweet part in the bitter part
It is like chocolate!
A piece of…

I appreciate for giving me your comments and sympathy.
When the book delivered to you, with letters and speeches of the people with sickbed or crossroads, I inspired a lot.

The characteristics of the book, the stuff in the short words, if we could get closer each other even a bit, I think deeply.

It’s rough tweets, there might be the things that are difficult to understand, but if you have the chance to read it, I would be very happy.

With all due respect, I feel guess the roll of mine might be fulfilled with making the book.

If you want know about this book more, if you leave the email address in the comment box bellow, I will reply it directly.
*Comments are private.
*I will delete your email address quickly after I read it.

When you buy the book, after the confirmation of the payment, I will send the book to you.

Thank you for reading this long blog.

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