内外政策評論 TheOpinion on Global & Domestic Issues

Policy Essayist

My new book entitled ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’ is now published.

2014-10-25 | Weblog

My new book entitled ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots’ is now published. The title of the book is ‘The Mystery over Lord Buddha’s Roots.’ But the real theme of the book is Truth.
 Truth about the Shakya Kingdom, Truth about the location of Kapilavastu, the resident Castle where Buddha, as Prince Siddartha, lived until 29 years old, and Truth about the historical and social background of Buddha’s age, and so on.
 The publisher is Nirala Publications, New Delhi, India.
 The book launch event was successfuly done on Sept. 19th in Kathmandu, Nepal, initiated by White Lotus Book Shop, Kathmandu.
 Such a book launch event is yet to come in New Delhi, India, and probably in New York City, U.S.A. 


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