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Ukraine and Russia should agree on a neutrality of Ukraine with immediate truce !

2022-08-12 | Weblog

Ukraine and Russia should agree on a neutrality of Ukraine with immediate truce !

 While admiring the courage of Ukrainian people to stand against Russian troops, it seems to be imperative for Ukraine and Russia together with France, Germany, and the United States to start negotiating over a neutrality of Ukraine at the top level to avoid further death tolls and damages in Ukraine and avert a total war in Europe.

Neutrality of Ukraine is a commendable solution to avert a total war in Europe

 Russian President V. Putin demands a “Neutrality of Ukraine”, furiously opposing Ukraine’s request for a NATO membership. President Putin does not ask for a pro-Russian Ukraine. In the light of the Ukraine historical and geopolitical position as a former core country of the Soviet Union and a neighboring country of Russia, a neutrality of Ukraine, which will not join the NATO group nor the Russian camp, could be a practical alternative for the Ukrainian people as well as European countries and Russia.

 Under the circumstances, most countries in the World cannot tolerate the Russian military invasion in Ukraine and its occupation if so happened. On the other hand, if Ukraine would become a member of NATO, Russia could not tolerate either. In either case, severe feud and hatred will persist for a long time between Ukraine and Russia, and between NATO Europe and Russia. Ukrainian people will be always uneasy and feared with a sudden attack.

 Although the security of Ukraine must be guaranteed jointly by Russia and NATO in an agreed way, it seems that President Putin’s demand for neutral Ukraine is realistically calculated to balance the security requirement of each party, namely, Russia, Ukraine, and NATO.

Initiatives of U.S., France, and Germany are welcome for a top-level meeting with Russia and Ukraine with an immediate cease-fire.

 It is President V. Putin who strongly opposed to Ukrainian President’s intention to become a NATO member and ordered to invade in Ukraine asking for its neutrality on top of his demands. Therefore, it is President Putin who could stop fighting and order to withdraw Russian troops from Ukraine.

  And it is Ukrainian President V. Zelenskyy who could avoid further deaths of his fellow Ukrainians and decide the fate of his country as a neutral country withdrawing a NATO membership bit.

 Russia is blamed for its military attacks in Ukraine, and President Putin as well as Russia itself faces severe economic and financial sanctions together with personal punishment. At the same time, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy may be blamed for his inability to materialize the Minsk Protocol of 5th September, 2014, in particular, the “local self-government” issue of two eastern districts, namely, Donetsk and Luhansk and the observation of no armed campain against the two districts, by the time of its expiry date which was 21st February, 2022. Russia started its military operations on 24th February, 2022, about one month after the expiry of the Protocol. President Zelenskyy must have known the expiry of the Protocol, after which there would be a recurrence of armed conflicts so that he would risk lives of Ukrainian nationals. At the moment, he has no clear prospect for winning, but waiting for a total attack in Kiev by Russian troops.

 It is Imperative to avoid further death toll in Ukraine, while averting a war in Europe.

 To facilitate a meeting between President Zelenskyy and President Putin, it would be necessary for three leaders of U.S., France and Germany to ask both Presidents to meet with a view to realizing a truce immediately to be followed by a withdrawal of the Russian troops from Ukraine, and also working out a neutrality of Ukraine. Nobody else could this but the tree leaders above who are able to talk with both President Zelenskyy and President Putin. Time is really pressing. Prompt initiatives are needed before it’s too late. (2022.3.12.) (All Rights reserved.)

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