— 藤原直哉 (@naoyafujiwara) November 30, 2021
The FAA accidentally disclosed more than 2,000 flight records associated with Jeffrey Epstein's private jets
■ Insider requested all flight-history data associated with four planes owned by Jeffrey Epstein.
■ The FAA rejected the request but later provided the records in response to an unrelated request.
■ The new FAA records include hundreds of previously unknown flights made by Epstein's jets.
■ They corroborate Insider's reporting on Epstein's travel patterns as documented in court records and flight-signal data.
■ A searchable database now contains 2,618 flights made by Epstein's private jets from 1995 to July 6, 2019.
政治家や芸能人、セレブって、何してんの!!( `ー´)ノ
早く逮捕されろってーのに(; ・`д・´)
In January 2020, Insider asked the Federal Aviation Administration for all the agency's flight records, including departure and arrival data, associated with a fleet of private jets owned by Jeffrey Epstein. Filed under the Freedom of Information Act, our request seemed to have a decent chance of success: The agency in 2011 released its entire database of US-based flights to The Wall Street Journal.
2020年1月、Insiderは米連邦航空局(Federal Aviation Administration)に対し、ジェフリー・エプスタインが所有するプライベートジェット機の出発・到着データを含む全飛行記録の提出を求めました。情報公開法に基づいて行われたこの要請は、成功する見込みがあるように思われた。エプスタインは、2011年にウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル紙に米国内の全フライト記録を公開しています。
In March 2020, however, the FAA denied our request, saying that "the responsive records originate from an investigative file" and were therefore exempt from disclosure. The agency cited Exemption 7(A), which Congress designed to shield records that were "compiled for law enforcement" and "could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceeding." The FAA did not specify which enforcement proceeding the records might interfere with; Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's ex-girlfriend and confidante, faces a trial over sex-trafficking charges this month.
But despite its original denial, the FAA inadvertently mailed Insider a portion of Epstein's flight records alongside correspondence for an unrelated FOIA request earlier this year. The records contained data on 2,300 flights among four private jets registered to Epstein between 1998 and 2020. Most of them had appeared in Insider's searchable database of all known flights connected to Epstein.
The new FAA records also reveal 704 previously unknown flights taken by Epstein's planes. These include hundreds of trips from a three-year gap in the public record, from 2013 to 2016, when the jets' movements were unaccounted for.
The new flight records do not include the names of passengers, but they may offer clues about the whereabouts of Epstein's close associates. Maxwell was a frequent passenger aboard the disgraced financier's jets.
Epstein owned a Gulfstream II (sold in November 2013), a Gulfstream IV (sold before his arrest), a Gulfstream GV-SP, and a Boeing 727 (nicknamed the "Lolita Express") that notoriously ferried notable passengers and girls around the globe. According to flight manifests unsealed in a defamation case against Maxwell, travelers on Epstein's planes included public figures from Presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton to the supermodel Naomi Campbell and the astronaut John Glenn.
Insider has reported extensively on Epstein's air travel, covering his jets' flight patterns before his arrest and publishing a searchable database of every known flight made by his jets. The database, which has been updated, now includes flights compiled from court records; public flight-signal data from the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, or ADS-B, system; and FAA records.
インサイダーでは、エプスタイン氏の航空旅行について幅広く報道しており、逮捕前のジェット機の飛行パターンを取材し、エプスタイン氏のジェット機が行ったとされるすべてのフライトを検索可能なデータベースとして公開しています。このデータベースには、裁判記録、ADS-B(Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast)システムによる飛行信号データ、FAA(米国連邦航空局)の記録から作成されたフライトが含まれています。
In addition to filling in the three-year gap in the mid-2010s, the FAA flight records corroborate the flight records compiled by Epstein's pilots and found through Insider's analysis of ADS-B data. They clarify start and end points that were ambiguous because of incomplete ADS-B data, which relies on the availability of land-based receivers that pick up signals from aircraft overhead; often, signals drop off in remote areas and over bodies of water. The data confirms that Epstein traveled to areas such as Cabo and Marrakech and frequented the US Virgin Islands, where his private island was.
Two of Epstein's planes continued to travel after his arrest and subsequent death. His Gulfstream GV-SP — the plane he flew on right before his arrest — was moved in early 2020 to Palm Beach, Florida, where it was later put on the market. His Gulfstream IV, bearing the tail number N120JE, is still registered to Epstein's former company, JEGE LLC, an enterprise that a Georgia pilot quietly acquired in the weeks before Epstein's arrest in July 2019. The pilot sued Epstein's estate in federal court on October 20, alleging that he hadn't been aware the jet was used in a "criminal enterprise" and that the company had been "damaged by the stigma" connected to the sex offender.
エプスタインの2機の飛行機は、彼の逮捕とその後の死の後も旅を続けました。彼のガルフストリームGV-SP(逮捕直前に乗っていた飛行機)は、2020年初頭にフロリダ州パームビーチに移され、後に売りに出されました。テールナンバー「N120JE」を冠した彼のガルフストリームIVは、エプスタインの元会社「JEGE LLC」に登録されたままで、ジョージア州のパイロットがエプスタインが逮捕される数週間前にひっそりと取得した企業です。このパイロットは10月20日、エプスタインの遺産を連邦裁判所に提訴し、ジェット機が「犯罪企業」で使用されていたことを知らず、会社は性犯罪者と結びついた「汚名」によって損害を受けたと主張した。
The newly obtained FAA records follow the travel patterns established by Insider's larger trove of Epstein flight data. Epstein's jets flew most often between New York and Palm Beach, where his primary residences were, as well as to his estates in Paris, New Mexico, and the Virgin Islands.
While Epstein's jets flew extravagantly over the last 24 years of his life, they traveled most prolifically in the early aughts, making 906 flights — more than a third of the flights compiled by Insider — between 2001 and 2006.
"Flight data is typically considered to be releasable information," an FAA spokesperson told Insider. The agency declined to comment on its disclosure of Epstein's flight records or any matter related to law-enforcement investigations.
Access our full searchable database here: We compiled every known flight made by Jeffrey Epstein's fleet of private planes. Search them all for the first time.
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