


2022-02-24 00:31:32 | 新型コロナ、ワクチン

68,000% Increase in Strokes as FDA and NIH Secretly Study Reports of Neurological Injuries After COVID-19 Vaccines - Medical Kidnap

The Epoch Times published an explosive report today stating that they ...

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68,000% Increase in Strokes as FDA and NIH Secretly Study Reports of Neurological Injuries After COVID-19 Vaccines

February 20, 2022記事
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The Epoch Times published an explosive report today stating that they have received emails that allegedly show that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) have been quietly studying neurological problems that have appeared in people after they took a COVID-19 vaccine.
Epoch Timesは、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)と国立衛生研究所(NIH)が、COVID-19ワクチンを摂取した人々に現れた神経学的問題をひそかに研究していることを示すとされる電子メールを受け取ったとする爆発的レポートを今日発表した。

  Two U.S. agencies have been quietly studying neurological problems that have appeared in people who have had COVID-19 vaccines, The Epoch Times has found.
  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) have been conducting separate research projects into post-vaccination neurological issues, which have manifested with symptoms like facial paralysis and brain fog and have been linked in some cases with the vaccines, according to emails reviewed by The Epoch Times.
  米国の2つの機関が、COVID-19ワクチンを接種した人に現れた神経学的問題をひそかに研究していることが、The Epoch Timesの調べで明らかになった。
  The Epoch Timesが調べた電子メールによれば、食品医薬品局(FDA)と国立衛生研究所(NIH)は、顔面麻痺や脳霧などの症状が現れ、場合によってはワクチンとの関連が指摘されているワクチン接種後の神経問題について、別々の研究プロジェクトを行ってきた。

  One attempt to gain understanding of a problem that experts around the world are struggling to understand is being carried out by Dr. Janet Woodcock, who was acting commissioner of the FDA until Feb. 17.
  Woodcock, now the FDA’s principal deputy director, has been personally evaluating neurologic side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines since at least Sept. 13, 2021, according to the emails, many of which have not been reported on previously. FDA epidemiologists are also gathering data to look into the issues, according to messages from Dr. Peter Marks, another top FDA official.
  A team at the NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), meanwhile, started seeing patients reporting vaccine injuries for a study in early 2021 after receiving complaints shortly after the vaccines were made available. A portion of the patients was examined in person at the Bethesda, Maryland, facility.
  None of the reviews or studies appear to have been announced, and health officials have said little about them publicly, despite a growing recognition among experts that at least some issues are likely linked to the vaccines. (Full article here. Copy here with no paywall.)

An examination of the FDA and CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) confirms that deaths and injuries due to neurological issues following COVID-19 injections have skyrocketed, when compared to the same adverse events reported following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years.

And while none of the U.S. Health Agencies have published or made public their research on these post-vaccine neurological injuries, many medical journals have.

The COVID-19 experimental vaccines, which were given emergency use authorization illegally, should have been immediately pulled from the market at least a year ago.

Will these criminals in the pharmaceutical industry who pay billions of dollars to get their products approved by the FDA ever face justice for the mass murder they have caused?

Almost 3000% Increase in Neurological Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines

According to the Cleveland Clinic, “neuropathy” is:

  damage or dysfunction of one or more nerves that typically results in numbness, tingling, muscle weakness and pain in the affected area. Neuropathies frequently start in your hands and feet, but other parts of your body can be affected too.

  Neuropathy, often called peripheral neuropathy, indicates a problem within the peripheral nervous system. Your peripheral nervous system is the network of nerves outside your brain and spinal cord. Your brain and spinal cord make up your central nervous system. Think of the two systems working together this way: Your central nervous system is the central station. It is the control center, the hub from which all trains come and go. Your peripheral nervous system are the tracks that connect to the central station. The tracks (the network of nerves) allow the trains (information signals) to travel to and from the central station (your brain and spinal cord).
  Neuropathy results when nerve cells, called neurons, are damaged or destroyed. This disrupts the way the neurons communicate with each other and with the brain. Neuropathy can affect one nerve (mononeuropathy) or nerve type, a combination of nerves in a limited area (multifocal neuropathy) or many peripheral nerves throughout the body (polyneuropathy). (Source.)

To determine the number of neurological injuries and deaths occurring after COVID-19 vaccines, and then compare them to the previous 30 years’ historical data following all other FDA approved vaccines, we need to perform several searches in VAERS.

So I began by searching for all symptoms in VAERS that contained “neuro” following COVID-19 shots, and it returned 9,799 cases as of the latest data dump into VAERS this past Friday, which goes through February 11, 2022.

 <結果>  <数>  <割合>

As you can see from the table above, in 14 months since the emergency use authorization of the COVID-19 vaccines, out of the 9,799 reported cases, there have been 150 deaths, 1,521 permanent disabilities, 2,463 ER visits, and 3,359 hospitalizations. (Source.)

By way of comparison, for the previous 30+ years starting in 1990 when VAERS was established, using the exact same search for every symptom containing “neuro,” we get a result of 8,492 cases for ALL FDA-approved vaccines for the past 30+ years combined. (Source.)

The yearly averages then look like this:

● 8399 cases of neurological injuries per year following COVID-19 vaccines
● 283 cases of neurological injuries per year following all FDA-approved vaccines combined

That’s a 2,867% increase of neurological injuries following COVID-19 vaccines as compared to all other vaccines approved by the FDA.

Over 3000% Increase in Cases of Palsy Following COVID-19 Vaccines

Over 2000% Increase in Cases of Sclerosis Following COVID-19 Vaccines

68,000% Increase in Strokes Following COVID-19 Vaccines




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