太鼓の達人情報室 2ndon



2015年09月13日 20時15分25秒 | おはなし
10月X日、このブログに何かが起きる 侵食された男を助けるのは読者しかいない 恐れることはない・・立ち上がれ!!

「達人情報室Xエヴァンゲリオン20周年SP 追憶の慟哭」 さあて 次回もサービスサービス♪

冒頭の予告は大型企画の詳細なんですが、来月のある日 このSPをやりたいと思います。詳しいことは教えないけど、このブログでは類をみない

幽玄ノ乱の全良動画を見ていると本当に笑えてくるんです。神の領域を突破した人間はやはりすごい もはや人間とはいえないけどすばらしいです
ボクも必死で練習していますが、メカドン様には逆らえない 幽玄ノ乱自体おかしい譜面 スピードはたいしたことないが鬼畜な複合がボクを悩ませている クリアできたら絶対泣き叫ぶか、発狂すると思うので楽しみにしていてください 何年かかるかわからないけどね・・・


PVアクセスランキング にほんブログ村



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Can I posted the lyrics of this song?

2015年09月13日 10時22分01秒 | カシけいさい
Hello, this is my heart was broken jeers Buro

This time, we will post the lyrics of "Go哭 of Rosutowan," but special version because usually in the doing uninteresting even

Taiko Drum Master version deficit go-go time

Songwriting; Neru
Song: Rin

By distrust of Hawatari number centimeter is gone stabbed End vein it off
Les Paul even and I have changed to a weapon in the mon that sickly love pop

No fiction

Mathematics and science is the favorite, but language is hated by so much bad
The correct was the punch line of any distressed if put any incorrect answer is

Today's homework about me-free personality
If you are living in excess and deficiency not crippled no recently
But why it is from time to time No daily
I do say that I'm lonely I say I sad

You read Can you read this kanji mental of that child of blackboard
It Who do nephew nephew's Who do is was dyed black his heart
Do you solved also ring the neck of you or that child solve this equation in the abacus
You already How Even the good to're live if nephew Do you say in this Manma

Does it say the official area ratio
Do you say that the dream of a child
It's the dream even threw in the groove (groove) is
The wonder know nephew anymore'm Who do

What time should become Do you become an adult
The first place What on earth is an adult
Who are you? Should I hear about
Another How Even the good to'm live if nephew

I song pretty good feeling but music is also good

I am glad I felt that if the last minute reading

See you ...

PVアクセスランキング にほんブログ村



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