
Zazen 法話のページ


2024-09-15 | 生涯学習
  • 生計(しょうけい)
  • 身計(しんけい)
  • 家計(かけい)
  • 老計(ろうけい)
  • 死計(しけい) 


〇 The Five Strategies of Life
Zhu Xinzhong said, "There are five strategies in life. When conversing with others, rejoice in your personal and family strategies. If you employ the strategy of old age, you will receive no response. If you employ the death strategy, you will burst into laughter." From the compilation "Gunsho Jyundta" edited by Seicho Kyusho.
  • 生計 (Shoukei)
In the book "Mencius," there is a passage that asks, "Why do honourable people not teach their children?" (Modern translation) A father who teaches believes he is right and scolds his child if the child does not comply. This disrupts the child's education. When a father tries to teach the child what is right, the child rebels, saying, "Father, your words do not match your actions." The relationship between father and child worsens even more. Forcing goodness upon others does not work well.
  • 身計 (Shinkei)
When one falls ill, they inquire about the best hospital. Will they seek to find a sense of purpose in life or search for a mentor to guide them through life?
  • 家計 (Kakei)
This is the origin of the term "household accounts." In recent years, the uniqueness of family life has been diminishing.
  • 老計 (Roukei)
In a training seminar, the instructor said, "When I turned 70, I realised that life would be difficult from then on. Until now, I have been telling young people to respect their elders. Now I have become the one who is respected. I felt that I had to be firm."
  • 死計 (Shikei)
The poet Saigyo Hoshi (1118-1189) from the Heian period used to say that he wished to die on the same day as the Buddha's death anniversary, February 15th. Saigyo passed away on that day.

I wish to die 
Beneath the blossoms in spring
During the moonlit night

坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 
久留米市宮の陣町大杜1577-1 圓通寺 
初心者歓迎 参加費無料 詳細は電話でお問い合わせください。
●学校やクラブなど団体研修 坐禅申し込み随時うけたまわります。
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