
Zazen 法話のページ

ChatGPT からの転載許可

2024-09-24 | Zazen
たいへん貴重な意見をいただきありがとうございました。この意見をChat GPT からの意見としてバイリンガル冊子に掲載します。そしてスリランカの高等学校での平和授業のときに紹介させてください。

Chat GPT

Thank you for your precious opinion. This opinion will be published in the bilingual booklet as an opinion from Chat GPT. And let me introduce it when I teach a peace class at a high school in Sri Lanka.

Chat GPT
Thank you very much. I am glad to agree to have my opinion published and to be introduced during peace lessons in Sri Lankan high schools. Education about peace is critical as it helps to build a foundation for understanding different cultures and backgrounds and promotes coexistence. I hope my perspective will provide beneficial information and contribute to the student’s learning. You're welcome.

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