
Zazen 法話のページ

There is a seed to everything.

2023-05-04 | Zazen

One of Buddha's early disciples was named Assaji. When he was begging for alms within the grounds of the castle in the country of Magadha, Shariputra observed him from afar. Shariputra was a practitioner of Brahmanism and was training under a leader named Sanjaya. Impressed by Assaji's dignified appearance as he walked begging for alms, Shariputra decided to talk to him.
Shariputra asked, "Who is your teacher?"
Assaji replied, "Buddha."
Shariputra asked again, "What kind of teachings does Buddha preach?"
Assaji replied, "I am a novice and not qualified to tell you the details of Buddha's teachings, but Buddha often teaches that 'there is a seed to everything.'"
Shariputra said, "I have been practicing for many years, but I have never heard of such a teaching. I do not understand the meaning of 'there is a seed to everything,' but I wonder if Buddha will accept me as his disciple, even though I am such as I am."
Assaji replied, "We practice day and night without a shelter to protect us from the rain. Would that be all right?"
Thus, Shariputra entered the Buddha's path with his friend Moggallana and 250 young disciples. The Buddha's community, which had been less than 50 people until then, proliferated. The Buddha's community underwent a significant expansion thanks to the entry of Shariputra, Moggallana, and others. In this way, Buddhism developed through the efforts of excellent disciples.
"There is a seed to everything" means a cause, condition, and result governs everything. This is called the law of causality, or dependent origination, and it is beneficial not only in Buddhism but also in politics, economics, physics, chemistry, medicine, human relationships, and other fields. For example, even molecules and atoms are particles or seeds.
In fact, Newton regarded light as particles. The research of Professor Masatoshi Koshiba, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2002, also revealed that neutrinos are particles. Buddha's teachings are universal.

翻訳: OpenAI ChatGPT

坐禅会 毎週土曜日午前6:25~8:00 
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